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Showing posts from 2013

Ladies, set yourself free from Worldly music!

Hello LWM! I trust the Lord that you are all doing well. Today, I want to talk to you about the negative effects of the worldly music. I have been noticing that most of young Christians love listening to worldly music and more they do not see any wrong in doing it. But ladies, we have to ask ourselves if we are part of this world or not? The Bible says that we are in the world but we are not of the world(John 15:19). Worldly music is not supposed to be enjoyed by Christians. Listening to worldly music is a very dangerous thing. Here, let me give you my own testimony. When I gave my life to Christ, I was very "in love" with the singer Beyonce Knowles, I would listen to her all the day long, I would rehearse every dance movements in her video, seduce like her, try to be like her. A sister in the church noticed how I was so into her music and she approached me and advised me to delete her music from my phone. I did not. For me, it was betraying my idol, the one I love...

The Woman behind the blog

Hello wonderful ladies in the Lord! Today, I just thought of talking to you a bit about myself. As you know for those who started reading my blog from the beginning, this blog is to encourage young Christian ladies in their walk with Christ. It was one of my project for this year  in Web page Design. Our lecturer asked us to design a blog about anything. I thought firstly of talking about Venice about how romantic this town is, but on a second thought I realized how pointless it was. I then started wondering what could I do with my blog. I wanted to express myself in the most freely way I knew and that how I realized that actually in Christ we are free so why not creating a blog about something that will involve my Christian life and strengthen those who will read me. I thank God for this blog is read by many young Christian ladies, ladies that I know and also ladies that have been recommended  by some of my friends. It might not have yet the impact I want it to have ...

Women, are you an intercessor?

Hello, wonderful ladies in Christ! I trust the Lord that you are all doing well. Today, I would like to encourage us to pray and to intercede for our countries, parents that do not know the Lord yet. We must realize that being saved is not the bottom line, we have to work in the body of Christ. Christ needs to rely on us when it comes to prayer. When I talk about prayer, it goes beyond you praying for your needs, it also involves the people God put into your lives. We should learn to stop being selfish even during our praying times.  Women of God, did God already show you a dream about something that did not involve you directly and you never prayed about it? If yes, we should repent. When Christ shows us something, it is for us to pray about it, not to lay down on our beds and say " it was just a dream". I would like to talk to you about Ezekiel 33: 6" But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come,...

Ladies, are you really ready for marriage? Preaching video

Hello, wonderful ladies in Christ! I would like to share with you a video by Lady Reverend Adelaide Heward- Mills. In this preaching, she talks about marriage. As ladies, we naturally think about marriage but as Christian women we should be aware of what we need to make our future marriage to work. I love saying that many of us only think of the wedding, the actual day where we will be sharing your vows but we do not think of the life after the wedding, and I know many young ladies that got married, were happy and now are struggling in their marriages because they did not prepare themselves. I thank the Lord that there is such a message available. I am not married for now but I know now that I need to prepare myself fully before I get married. I will advise you to do the same and remember God should be the foundation of your future marriage and your relationship if you have a beloved( a person you are dating and are going to marry soon).    Much love   Lala. ...

I just want to praise HIM!!!

Hello wonderful women! Tonight, I just want to share with you a video that I made with my wonderful sisters in the Lord. I hope you will be blessed through it, and strengthened. The song simply  talks about how Christ saved us. For many of us, we grew up in a Christian family, we used to go to church and read the Bible during our childhood but this did not make us Christians. We did not know truly Christ until the day He opened our eyes and made us seen what we did not see all those years. He made us know Him and rely on Him. Since that day, we know that Christ is real, that it takes more than you putting on Facebook that you are Christian. To be a Christian is a day to day thing and Christ have to be formed in us. Be blessed again. Much love Lala

Ladies, do not compromise

Hello, LWM! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I did by the Grace of God. Today, I would like to encourage us to stay firm in our faith. I had a chat with a friend of mine over the weekend and we were discussing about who we must marry. It was going nowhere because the person believed that she could still date an unbeliever and still be in the Will of God. I did give her the scriptures which clearly showed that God would not allow such a relationship but it was a waste of time. I am believing God that He will convince her to accept this truth. Ladies, I would like to encourage us to stay firm and not compromise our faith in Christ. We cannot play with our life this way. Marriage is a lifetime commitment, so we better be careful when it comes to choose our partner for life. I was saying to the person that I understood her view but I did not support it. I understood the fact that she said " what if I fell in love with an unbeliever?, Am I sinning?". I have been there. I ...

Ladies, do not get twisted about your identity in Christ

Hello LWM! I hope you had a wonderful week. Today, I would like to encourage us to be faithful to who we are in Christ. A certain preacher said once, "each Christian has his season". It is true! Sometimes, we are so in fire for the Lord, we do not have to be pushed to preach the good news but sometimes also we feel weak and you forget who we are. I have to say and I notice it from my personal experience that it is when we feel weak that we tend to sin more, and it gets worse when we put our weapon away : the Word of God. It is also when we are weak that you tend to compromise a lot. The Bible says that " do not be conformed to this world" but to be renewed in our minds by the power of the Holy Spirit. Here, I would like to share with you two thoughts that what said by my Bishops. Bishop Dag Heward Mills said " you are what you see. What are you watching? "and lady Reverend Adelaide said" to know who you are, you must know who you ar...

Ladies, do you know the Holy Spirit?

Hello LWM! I hope you are all doing well. Today I would like to share with you what I have learnt from our celebration convention over the last three days in our church in Randburg( Lighthouse Chapel International). The whole convention theme was centred on the Holy Spirit. How many of us knew that the Holy Spirit is not just a sweet influence, a mighty wind but that he is a person above all? For those who did not know that let me give you some of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit. 1. The Holy Spirit is our consellor and helper(John 14:26). Do you think that a force can be able to advise you? He must surely have a mind and some intellect to perform this function. 2. From the same chapter, we learn that the Holy Spirit is the One who help us to remember. Can a force help you to remember something? I don't think so. A force does not have any  intelligence or any abilities that could make him perform this function. 3. The Holy Spirit can be grieved(Ephes...

Ladies do not give up .....You can make it

Hello LWM! I believe Christ that we are all doing well. I pray that this week may be a blessing to you. May you listen to God's Voice in everything you do and plan to do. Today, I want to ask you something: have you ever thought of giving up because you see that you are growing up in your walk with Christ? Yesterday, I was talking to someone and the perso wanted to give up for she noticed that since she became a christian she is still struggling with some issues. I have to say sometimes it does also happen to me. Do not get me wrong, it is because I am writing on this blog that it means that I do not have issues at all. I mean I am also a human being, someone who tries to live like Christ. We are all trying, none of us is there yet. If you also feel like giving up let me encourage you dear sister. Do not give up, keep fighting. the christian life is a constant fight, and we can only triumph in Christ Jesus. God is with us, He will help us to overcome our issues, because...

Ladies, be accountable to one another!

Hello LWM, I trust the Lord you are doing well. Sorry for the long silence, I was busy with assignments and meanwhile I was away on vacation. Today, I just wanted to encourage you. I believe as Christians we need to encourage each other. It is so important. The Bible says in Romans 1: 11" I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong- 12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith." Paul knew that as followers of Christ it is so important to be encouraged in our walk with Christ. When we go through trials, we need to be strengthened through the Word by reading and meditate upon it but also through our fellowship with our brethren. I am one of the people who believe that accountability is important in our lives. We need to be accountable to one another. In my Christian walk, I learnt to have people around me even to choose people who will become my partners in the ministry. There are all diffe...

Have your say: Let's meet Davina Ornella Avoungou

Hello wonderful women of God, I trust the Lord that you are all doing well. Let continue with our " Have your say " theme with the thoughts of one of us in the Lord, sister Davina. She is a very kind young woman and I think one of the words that can describes her character so well is " accountability". For all those years, I have know her she is by far one of the very person who I consider as an accountable friend and sister for me. I will share with you on the theme of accountabiblity some days, this is so important as a christian in our lives.....Anyway, let us hear what this lovely sister has to say to us ...Stay Blessed! Ladies Wonderfully Made: Hello Davina, thanks for availing yourselves. Please introduce yourself ... Avoungou Davina: Hello LWM. My name is Avoungou Ornella Davina, I am 24years old and I am the third born of a family of five children. I am a Graphic Designer student at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, currently doing my third yea...

Have your say: Let meet Fausther Ornelia Ambourouet

Hello wonderful ladies, we are closing today with the thoughts of Grace. Grace is a wonderful sister that I met in my church Lighthouse Chapel International Midrand. I interviewed her after the service on Sunday. At first, she was scared (lol) but she finally let me ask her questions. The first time I went there( the church), she was standing by the door, I will never forget how she welcomed me with a big smile and a warm hug. If you are in the welcoming team, please ladies wear a beautiful smile. Welcome us with the love of Christ for people cannot come back just because they did not feel welcome. Stay blessed! Ladies Wonderfully Made: Morning Grace, thanks for giving us the opportunity to ask you some questions. Please can you introduce yourself ... Grace Ambourouet:  My name is Grace Fausther Ambourouet , I will turn the age of  24 on the 20th of August ( Happy birthday in advance sisi). I am studying Biomedecine at the Midrand Graduate Institute. In the church, I am ...

Have your say: Let meet Amaria Eve Angue Obame

Hello wonderful ladies, I trust the Lord that you are doing well. Let us continue with our Have your say theme. Today, we are meeting Amaria Eve Angue Obame that I also called my daughter. She is a very humble lady, and I hope you will be blessed as you read her points of view .......     Ladies Wonderfully Made: Hello Amaria, thanks for letting us know more about you. So, tell you who is Amaria ? Angue. Amaria : Hello LWM. My name is Angue Obame Eve Amaria, I am 20 years old and I am the first born of a family of six children. I am studying Corporate communication at the Higher Studies of Management Institute ( Institut de Haute Etudes de management).in the ministry, I am serving in the praise team called FlambeauxNG at the Evangelisim center of Bethanie. My two beautiful little daughters LWM: How did you get born again? And what changed since you became a christian? A.A: I got born again in 2005 during the Dunamis Convention ...

Have your say: Let meet Iguewa (Joyce) Mbadinga

Hello, ladies. I hope you are enjoying the " Have your say" articles and that you are taking notes. I am taking mine by the way, and I am adding some new prayers points on my prayer request lists. Today, we are going to finish with Iguewa Joyce who I call tenderly my daughter. I met her recently and I thank God for her life, she is passionate about the work of God and really loves the Lord. Next week, we will meet Davina Ornella, Leslie, Amaria and Yaelle. Keep sending me your answers so I can add you for the following weeks. Stay blessed and remember, it is all abot encourage one another in the Lord so share and say what you have to say! LWM: Hello Joyce. It is a pleasure for us to do an interview with you, can you introduce yourself  for our readers? Iguewa Joyce: Hello LWM. My name is Iguewa Mbadinga, I am 21 years old. I am the third born of a big family of eight children. I am studying International tourism and I am enjoying it. In church, I serve in the choir...

Have your say: Let meet Lyne Sarah Bayari

Hello wonderful ladies,I hope you have been richly blessed with the article about Jemy. I was really blessed and strenghtened by what she said. This is our second profile and it is about Lyne. Lyne has been one of my closest friends for some years now and she decided to answer some of my questions. Ladies, remember you are all welcome to send me your answers to the same questions as well, and why not to write an article about something you think will encourage us. Feel free, feel YOU, encourage us! Bless us with the gifts God gave to you. Ladies Wonderfully Made: Hello, Lyne thanks again for giving us the privilege to ask you some questions about your spiritual life. Can you please introduce yourself to us? Lyne Sarah: Hello, LWM. My name is Lyne Sarah Obindja Bayari and I am 23 years old. I am studying Human Ressources at the Cape Peninsula University Of Technology in Cape Town. In the ministry of Christ, I am in the "Praise and Worship" team in the Calvary Ch...

Have your say: Let meet Jemy Kanelle Mayene Andimi

Hello, ladies! Let start our "have your say" theme with a wonderful lady in Christ, her name is Jemy and I have the pleasure in Christ Jesus to be under her leadership as she is my sheperd and leader in the "praise and worship" minsitry in Lighthouse Chapel Midrand. I interviewed her at her place and she was very friendly as usual. While listening to her answers, I could see how much she loves the Lord and how much she wants to please Him. I do not say that to flatter her or anything like that but really because this is what I noticed by the Grace of God. Thanks for letting me interviewing you sister, and may God take you higher in His ministry.   Ladies Wonderfully Made: Hello, Jemy. Thank you for making yourself available to us. Can you introduce yourself to our wonderful ladies in Christ? Jemy Kanelle: Hello, LWM. My name is Jemy Kanelle Mayene Andimi. I am 26 years old and I am studying Biomedecine(third year) at the Midrand Graduate Institut...


Lady Reverend Adelaide Hello wonderful ladies in the Lord, I trust the Lord, that you are all doing well by His Grace. I would like to inform you for those who were not aware and to remind for those who knew that the month of August will be a "Have your say" month. This means that I would like to give you a chance to bless us by sending you articles about what you think can encourage us in our walk in Christ. I believe we can bless each other and strenghten us in the Lord...So I am waiting for you, ladies do not be shy just share what God placed in your heart all ... Today, I would like to ask you a question" How much do you love God". The Bible tells us in Exodus 20 that we shall love God with all our hearts, meaning He should be the first person in our friends lists, in the people we love, God should be first. Sometimes, we may say " I love God" without realising what it is to love  Him.   The Bible says " take up your cross, Fo...