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Ladies, do not compromise

Hello, LWM! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I did by the Grace of God. Today, I would like to encourage us to stay firm in our faith. I had a chat with a friend of mine over the weekend and we were discussing about who we must marry. It was going nowhere because the person believed that she could still date an unbeliever and still be in the Will of God. I did give her the scriptures which clearly showed that God would not allow such a relationship but it was a waste of time. I am believing God that He will convince her to accept this truth.

Ladies, I would like to encourage us to stay firm and not compromise our faith in Christ. We cannot play with our life this way. Marriage is a lifetime commitment, so we better be careful when it comes to choose our partner for life. I was saying to the person that I understood her view but I did not support it. I understood the fact that she said " what if I fell in love with an unbeliever?, Am I sinning?". I have been there. I also used to think that if I fell in love with an unbeliever then it should be God's Will for God will not allow just things to happen. The truth is our feelings can be controlled. You have the power through Jesus Christ to stop them. I know it is schoking you but it is the truth. The Bible is clear on this " do not be inequally yoked with unbelievers" 2 Corinthians 6: 14.
I remember a certain lady told me that she found herself having feeling for an unbeliever. She knows what the Word says about it so she decided to pray to God, to ask God to remove those feelings and God did so. Do you want to please God or do you want to please a man? I do not think that God contredicts himself, not at all. We have to control our desires by being constanly renewed in our minds through the Holy Spirit. Do not think that you will change the person, make him a christian for it is Christ who convinces our hearts not you. Yes, God can use you to preach and present Christ to him but this does not mean that you should get into a relationship with that person. God is a God of order. I have been there, like some of you I also tried to change someone, and I have even been into such relationships and it did not pay off. You get out of it with a lot of hurts and pains. God is faithful, and He has the best for us. You think that you must be with that guy to be happy but it is because you do not think of the bigger picture. God loves us so much, He will bless us with the right person at the right time. Do not be hasty, there is a season for everything. Be patient and see how God will reward you above your expectations.
We can do it, ladies. Do not compromise, cherish your salvation and keep in mind that God has the best interest in His heart for us.
Be blessed!
Much love

* This picture was taken on the following website


  1. Thanks for the message sister....
    Be blessed too

  2. Chérir notre salut et prendre conscience que Dieu a le meilleur pour nous,il sais ce dont on à besoin,ce qui est juste et bon pour nous. Yesss,merciiiii

  3. Amen. God bless you and help us to be faithful to Him.

  4. amen! thanks for this message

  5. je crois que beaucoup de soeurs peuvent profiter de ce message

  6. amen sister, God bless u. Anais

  7. Avoungou ornella11 October 2013 at 06:13

    Amen, only God's time and God's choice is perfect for our life. Psalm 127 verse 1 says. Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain. The House is your life, your relationship, the choices you made, your study. If you do not obey and follow God's will for your life, be sure that you will end up with nothing but regrets. If only...
    Now is the time for us to submit ourselves to God and put our heart to follow Him in spirit and in truth.


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