Will I survive from this? Will I recover ? Will I smile again?
So many questions, we asks ourselves after a sad event. It may be the loss of someone, a breakup, a disease, unemployment, well after a bad case we often tend to reconsider everything in our lives. If you are at this stage, know you are not alone. Many people like you have gone through this or actually are going through this.
I love the Word of God because it talks about many situations we can relate to. As it says, nothing new is before the sun, everything that is have already been, and what will be is already. So is this situation you are going through...Do you remember the story of Naomi in Judges?
The Word says that after loosing her husband and her sons, she became bitter. Her bitterness led her to change her name to Mara. She said "God made her life bitter. God was the reason why all those terrible events happened to her", do you recognize yourself in her attitude?
Many times we have been thinking this way. God does allow sad things to happen to us but He is certainly not the author of evil. God created everything beautiful! He does permit evil to touch us but not to destroy us because His plans are to prosper you not to harm you (Jeremiah 29.11).
The best is yet to come in your life, you may not see it now but it is near you!!! I am actually excited to write this article! There is so much joy in my heart. I am expectant, like a mother that is about to deliver, I cannot wait to see His promise come to pass!
But like you, do you know that if I refer to my senses, there is nothing showing a new season in my life! Things appear so calm, too calm, too weird that you may think is there God in this?
But God told Abraham 'Look up at the sky and count the stars if indeed you can count them. So shall your offering be"(Genesis 15.5). The sky is somthing you cannot reach to, something that look like inaccesible to you, somethig you desire but cannot get. What is your sky? God tells you look at it, do not look around you, do not look at the oppositions, look up to Me, look up to the possibilities, look up! Your vision makes you. Your vision molds you. Your vision define you.
You are what you see! What do you see! See God's Word becoming flesh in your life! See your dry bones coming back to life again! See the victory of Christ in your life!
Born to win, this is who you are!
Much love,
Lady Joy
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