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Ladies, do not get twisted about your identity in Christ

Hello LWM! I hope you had a wonderful week. Today, I would like to encourage us to be faithful to who we are in Christ. A certain preacher said once, "each Christian has his season". It is true! Sometimes, we are so in fire for the Lord, we do not have to be pushed to preach the good news but sometimes also we feel weak and you forget who we are. I have to say and I notice it from my personal experience that it is when we feel weak that we tend to sin more, and it gets worse when we put our weapon away : the Word of God.

It is also when we are weak that you tend to compromise a lot. The Bible says that " do not be conformed to this world" but to be renewed in our minds by the power of the Holy Spirit. Here, I would like to share with you two thoughts that what said by my Bishops. Bishop Dag Heward Mills said " you are what you see. What are you watching? "and lady Reverend Adelaide said" to know who you are, you must know who you are not first". Wow! Ladies, we are what we see. If you love watching movies which sends messages of love, who are too emotional etc, you will become that. Likewise, if you love watching sermons and preaching, you shall become what you hear and inspire to become what the minister is.

We need to constantly keep in minds what we are to not become what or who we are not. Do you believe that you are a chosen generation? Then know that your job is to influence others generations, to be an example for them. Lady Reverend Adelaide Heward Mills said once, we truly know who we are when no one is around to watch us! Mercy! Do you want to know who you are, then examine yourself and see who you are when no one is looking. When you are alone in your bedroom, who are you? Are you still praising God as you do when you are singing at church, do you talk to the Holy Spirit when you are alone? What are you doing when you are alone?

Ladies, let us not pretend to be what we are not. Be truthful to yourselves and do not feel comfortable with what you are now. Always aim for the best. Improve your Christian life. Ladies, do not get twisted when it comes to your identity in Christ. Stick to who you are. Do not compromise with your identity. The time to play with our Christian life is over, Christ is coming soon. We are living the last days. We can have many plans in our lives but our first plan must be to make it into Heaven. Do not get twisted, this life has so many things to offer to us but they are not eternal. May God help us to know who we are not and to act as who we are by the Grace of God.

Much love

* This picture was taken on the following website


  1. I have been truly encouraged by this writing. I understand that I shall stand for my identity in Chris Jesus rather that being influenced by the I pray for a generation who fears the Lord I shall also be an example to them too.


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