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Women, are you an intercessor?

Hello, wonderful ladies in Christ! I trust the Lord that you are all doing well. Today, I would like to encourage us to pray and to intercede for our countries, parents that do not know the Lord yet. We must realize that being saved is not the bottom line, we have to work in the body of Christ. Christ needs to rely on us when it comes to prayer. When I talk about prayer, it goes beyond you praying for your needs, it also involves the people God put into your lives. We should learn to stop being selfish even during our praying times. 
Women of God, did God already show you a dream about something that did not involve you directly and you never prayed about it? If yes, we should repent. When Christ shows us something, it is for us to pray about it, not to lay down on our beds and say " it was just a dream". I would like to talk to you about Ezekiel 33: 6" But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman' hand." From this scripture, we learn two things: first that Christ does reveal things to a particular type of person and then He expect this person to act upon what He showed to him by telling to people what He saw. I believe that when God reveals us something, it is firstly for us to pray about it. Last year, God showed me the spiritual state of my country. I did pray about it, but I did not intercede truly for it. This morning when I was doing my quiet time God directed me into this scripture and I was quite unsure about the reason behind it. I was asking myself Christ why do you want me to read this scripture I do not think it concerns me(Mercy, but that is what I told Him) and then as I was checking the status update of one of my big sister in Christ, I read a powerful testimony from a sister about how Christ delivered her from the Kingdom of Waters. At the end of her testimony, she was saying that God showed her a vision about the spiritual state of my country Gabon. I was shacking as I was reading this part for her vision was quite similar to what Christ showed me a year ago. Then, the Holy Spirit told me " I showed you that as well but do you even still pray about your country? Do you even take it seriously? What matters to you it is just your studies, your relationships, you, you and you!" I was very sad, it was so painful. When God is rebuking you, ladies yoooh it is not pleasant at all. I would like to encourage us to intercede sisters.
When you intercede about something, you need to be determined. Intercession is something that should remain constant. Do not stop interceding if you are not seeing yet the fruits of your "work". God is faithful, let us hold on and we will see His Glory.

Stay blessed, ladies!

Much love,


*This picture was taken from 


  1. Pour ma part l’intercession est un don que Dieu donne à certaines personnes.Tout le monde n'est pas amené à pouvoir ou connaitre intercéder dans la mesure ou je considère que tous ici bas avons un rôle bien déterminé à jouer.Concernant le fait de prier pour notre pays c'est une chose que chaque personne en tant que chrétien devrait faire car les choses avancent dans le mauvais sens chez nous.Toutefois je reste convaincu que c'est notre Seigneur Dieu qui va rétablir les choses non seulement dans notre pays mais aussi dans le monde.Ne dit t-on pas que la lumière triomphe toujours des ténèbres


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