Hello wonderful ladies in the Lord! Today, I just thought of talking to you a bit about myself. As you know for those who started reading my blog from the beginning, this blog is to encourage young Christian ladies in their walk with Christ. It was one of my project for this year in Web page Design. Our lecturer asked us to design a blog about anything. I thought firstly of talking about Venice about how romantic this town is, but on a second thought I realized how pointless it was. I then started wondering what could I do with my blog. I wanted to express myself in the most freely way I knew and that how I realized that actually in Christ we are free so why not creating a blog about something that will involve my Christian life and strengthen those who will read me.
I thank God for this blog is read by many young Christian ladies, ladies that I know and also ladies that have been recommended by some of my friends. It might not have yet the impact I want it to have already but I am sure with God's Grace we will reach this point. Even though this is a school project at first, I am planning of continuing to post my articles after my evaluation. I have seen how many Christian ladies have been strengthened through what I write here by the Grace of God and I would like God to continue to use me in this field. "Ladies Wonderfully Made" is more than just a blog, it is also a vision that God gave to me, to be an encouraging tool among women of God and to tell them that with God they are more than conquerors. Since I gave my life to Christ, I always thought about what God has called me to do on this earth, what was my calling and last year He made it clear to me. I am so thankful to God for using a vessel of clay like me to bless many others women in the Lord.
Ladies Wonderfully Made is now on Facebook as well( we just started by the Grace of God) and I believe by the Grace of God, it will go very very far. I always say that God does not need perfect people and do not use perfect people, God uses the people that avail themselves for His Ministry. He uses people that are honest and faithful to Him, He uses people that want to be used by Him. Women of God, avail yourself for the Kingdom of God. Many souls are perishing every day without knowing God. Be a vessel that Christ can use to bring more souls into the Kingdom of Heaven.
For those who wonder who am I, well....My name is Larissa, I am an ordinary woman just as you trying to serve the Lord and do what pleases Him. I am a great sinner and that is why I have a great Saviour. I am serving in the Praise and Worship team of my Church ( Lighthouse Chapel International Midrand). Even though, I love serving in the choir I believe that Christ called me to strengthen young Christian ladies and to encourage them in their lives with Christ. In terms of school, I am a Public Relations student third year about to finish this year by the Grace of God. I love reading books especially from my Bishop Dag Heward Mills, listening to music, having my quiet times with God and the Holy Spirit. I value friendship so I love also spending quality time with my friends and chatting with them. I do encounter many trials in my spiritual life just as you( you are not alone, you have all to fight our battles) but the Grace of God and praying help me to overcome them. To finish let me give you one of my favourites scriptures which is from the Book of Hebrews 13: 5 ...He will never leave you nor forsake you..". Sometimes, we need to remember that our God will never leave us, when you feel like God left you rather ask yourself where did I leave God? For God loves us and He does not want us to perish. Be blessed, ladies.
Much love,
Il est vrai que les jeunes femmes sont très vulnérables surtout quand elles sont en manque d'affection ou même lorsque que tout ne tourne pas rond... Mais seul Jésus en effet nous donne l'assurance nous fait espérer a un future meilleur. Merci pour toutes ces belles phrases qui nous fortifie
ReplyDeletequand ce blog m'a été recommandé je savais que j'allais le trouver intéressant, Par contre j'ignorais pleinement qu'il devait me touché et renfoncer ma foi , et oui quand je lis tes postes je me poses un tas de questions intérieurement et je me me dis que j'ai encore beaucoup à apprendre dans ce domaine mais que par la grâce de DIEU toutes me seront inculquées par des messagers de DIEU comme toi.
ReplyDeleteJe loue ton travail et t'encourage encore plus dans cette direction .
This was trully a blessing for me.thank you Lord.