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Lady Reverend Adelaide |

Today, I would like to ask you a question" How much do you love God". The Bible tells us in Exodus 20 that we shall love God with all our hearts, meaning He should be the first person in our friends lists, in the people we love, God should be first. Sometimes, we may say " I love God" without realising what it is to love Him. The Bible says " take up your cross, Follow Me". Are we ready to follow Him and to leave who we love, our occupation, the things we do on a daily basis? Yesterday, I was watching a preaching from Lady Reverend Adelaide Heward-Mills she was talking about " 4 things we must set in our lives" and one of the things we should set according to Colossians 3:1-3 is our affections.....
Who hold your affections, ladies? Is it Christ or is it your studies, that man you are engaged with, your work, your ministry? Where do you set your affections? It is very important to know where we set our affections because this can lead us astray if it is not conformed to the Will of our Father in Heaven. The Bible says in Luke 14: 26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple". This means that we should not put our relatives, beloveds, husbands, friends, or anything or anyone else before God. Remember God is a jealous God, He will never share His Glory with something or someone else. Ladies, how much do you love God? If you are studying, do you love your studies more than Him to a point that your studies become a reason for you to not serve God unconditionally? If you are in a relationship, does your beloved become a reason for you to not place God above ? Does he become the reason why you live, why you do certain things? If you are married, does your spouse become an obstacle in your walk with Christ? Ladies, how much do you love God?
Jesus tells us if we do not "hate" our mothers, fathers etc then you should not be called his disciples! What a schock! Just imagine that you miss the Kingdom of God for you give to someone or something a place he/ it should never get , the place of God!
Some years ago, I had to take a decision in my life relating to this point. I had realize that at a point I put things before God, my friends before God but God talked to my heart. Since then, I decided to never put again someone or something before God! People will deceive me, they will betray me, and no one will give his life for me as Christ did, so why should I give them the place only God deserve? Yesterday, when I was praying after that powerful preaching from Lady Reverend Mills, God drew me in Genesis 21 where God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son to Him. Do you think it was easy for him to surrender his only son to God? I do not think so. We know that Abraham loved a lot his wife Sarai so how much did he love Isaac his only son with her? Very much, is not it but still, he surrender him to God!
Ladies, to know how much you love God, ask yourselves this question: if God was asking you to leave that person you love so much or this thing you love so much, will you abandon it/him for Him, the God you serve? Be honest with yourselves for God knows your heart. If you find out that you will struggle to do it, to leave your husbands, your beloved, your work to do what God wants you to do, then know you have to set your affections above, you have to "hate" that person or things, meaning it should not take the place of God and become your idol. Once you know where you stand in your love towards God, pray to God and ask Him to give you a genuine love for Him, may Him come first in your live! God and only God!
May God help us to love Him truly, to surrender anything you have to do what pleases you. May us be an Abraham, ladies, someone who is willing to sacrifice his happiness, well being for the Kingdom in Jesus Name!
Much love,
Let start our "Have your say" theme with the interview of Jemy Kanelle Mayene Andimi, a wonderful lady in Christ....
Pictures were taken from the Facebook page " The Qodesh, Lighthouse Chapel International " page.
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