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Ladies, watch out for "wolves" christian in the church

Wonderful Ladies, I hope you are all doing fine and that Christ is talking to your hearts and changing you by His Mighty power. Today, I want to talk to you about watching out for people that can lead you astray for the presence of God.

My founding Bishop Dag Heward Mills said in one of his book that women have more problems than men. I believe this is true and I realized that as women we really need to watch out and to discern what is from God and what is from the devil. Women, our emotions can lead us astray from God. I pray that God will help us daily to not follow our emotions but rather to follow the Bible. Women can put an end to their walk with Christ, their ministry just because of their emotions. Last week, I was at a camp which was organized by my church ( Lighthouse Chapel in Johannesburg, midrand) and we were honored to have  Bishop Klufio as the main speaker. Bishop Klufio is the overseer of the LCI churches in the Southern Africa. He said that because of a man, christians women are willing to leave the church! What a schock!  But this is the truth, and we see it every day in the house of God!

Women of God, I would like us to stay alert at all times. The fact that you are a christian does not mean that you should have friendship with anyone in the church! It may sound bad but it is the truth. The Bible tells us that there will be wolves in sheep clothing in the church of God( Acts 20:28). Satan entered the church of God! We are living the last days, sisters! Be prudents as snakes. I believe that even before getting yourselves in a relationship you should have the testimony of his life  and not only from the brothers but also the pastor of the church!

Your pastor and elders in the church care for you and are the sheperds that God gave you in the church! Never getting youserlves in a relationship without talking to the pastor and most importantly having the testimony of the brother. It is not everyone we see in church that are christians. It is not because you see the brother in church on sunday and weekly services that for sure he is a christian! John 10:10 says that  "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly". For a thief to be called a thief, he has to enter into a place where he should not be. The church of God is certainly not a refuge for thieves, but yet they come and steal, destroy the lives of many believers. This happen especially to people who do not have discernment and wisdom! Ladies, are you someone who discern things, are you wise or do you just do things because you want to do it?

The Bible says in James 1 that if anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask it to God. May God make us ladies that discern things and are wise! We do need wisdom as christian, and the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom says the book of Job. A wolf in the church can take your "christianity" and "salvation" away especially if you as a christian are not deeply rooted in Christ! A wolf can be a false preacher, but also a bad company! Lady Reverend Adelaide Heward Mills was saying in one of her preaching that duality is found in the church. You will see a sister who has a different behavior at home and at church, she is dual, the same applies to men. Do not hang out with everyone just because you are in the same church! Beware of wolves in the church!

When you are a christian, avoid as much as you can to go and expose your problems to someone who is not rooted in the Lord. For what will she advise you? A "wolf" christian can take your christianity away. Many christians are not christians anymore because of the bad company they had. The Bible does not say that "For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?" (2Cor 6:14). To be a christian is a price that you pay everyday, we have to let some relationship that will not benefit us in our christian walk and also to stay alert for the devil will send wolves to distract and try to "steal our salvation". I want to encourage us to really pray that God fill us with the Holy spirit and that we may listen to Him through His word and also the brethen He gave us. Some christians have gone astray for they did not want to listen to the advise people gave them in the Lord. They were stubborn, and did things their own way! It is very dangerous. It is true that when someone asks you to do something that go opposite to what you plan you may feel offended or like not doing it but remember it is for your own good!

Ladies, learn to know what relationship will benefit you in the church! As I said earlier, it is not everyone who goes to church that are christian. Personally, God taught me some months ago to keep my mouth close. I do not tell my problems to everyone anymore even if we may all be christians. I do not just go to expose or share my struggles with anyone. I thank God because my closest friend is rooted in Him by the Grace of God. What I like about our relationship is that, when we share our struggle as Christian we will always quote a scripture to strenghten us. It is very important, to know if you are dealing with a "wolf" christian also watch for that sign. How does the person behave towards the Word of God? How does she counsel you? Be careful, ladies! Your salvation is very precious to God who sent His Only begotten Son to die for you! Do not allow someone to disqualify you! The Bible says " work out your salvation with fear and trembling" (Philipians2: 12). 

I knew a christian sister before, she loved the Lord so much, I would always feel strengthened when I look to her testimony. You know sometimes God put in our lives people who will encourage us to serve the Lord more and she did encourage me a lot! "Unfortunately", she met that brother in the church, a pure wolf christian. He asked her out, and despite the fact that I was warning her to not go and date that brother she could not listen. They started dating, and some months later she got pregnant. The so- called brother left her with the baby for another girl. Here was my sister in the Lord abandonned and ashamed. The guy only came to destroy her walk with Christ and after the work was done, he LEFT! Ladies, watch out! Do not just date someone because you love the person, learn to listen to what your sisters in Christ tell you! Do you think that you are the only person in the world who fell in love with an unbeliever! Certainly not! But because you are a christian you need to control your emotions and learn to say NO  to what pleases not God!

 My sister who was filled with the fire to serve God was now in a situation where she thought God will not love her anymore because of what she did. It took her more than two years to stand up again in her faith and walk with Christ. What hurt her more was not really the fact that she felt pregnant rather that she was a virgin and lost it with that "wolf" christian. A christian is not someone who speaks in tongues, goes to church, outreach. A christian is someone who fears the Lord, obeys to Him and follows the Word of God! Watch out, ladies. Christ saved you with a high price, do not put at stake your salvation because of  a guy. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling! 

May God help us in Jesus Name!

To all my wonderful ladies outta there!

Much love,



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