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Ladies, stay strong in your battles

Wonderful ladies, I hope you are all fine by the Grace of God. Today, I decided to share with you what I was sharing with a brother earlier this morning. We were talking about our christian lives and I ended up asking him if he went to church on Sunday. He told me he did not go and does not even go there anymore for every time he will go to church he will leave as he came. Mercy! It was so sad for me to hear those words from his mouth. For him, it is better to now stay at home and pray, do his quiet time than going to church, for what is the point of going to church if you do not gain anything from it later.

As I was listening to him, I started praying. I realized I really needed God to guide my answer to a specific scripture that would strenghten and encourage my brother in the Lord to restart going to church. The devil is so clever, I thought in myself. Really he is! To make my brother believe that it is better to stay at home than going to church really, I was amazed by how Satan operates in our minds to set sus apart from the body of Christ. The brother will soon tell me that he is facing many challenges at the moment so he really cannot afford to go to church those days. I really wanted to judge him, mercy! One thought came in me saying " look at this brother, does he know the God he serves, why is he not going to church, is he even a christian", but I rebucked this thought. I needed to advise this brother by making him understand that he need to press on on God as the situations are getting more and more difficult for him. 

I started then by telling him that he is not the first one who faces challenges, we all do as christians. The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5: 9 "Resist him and be firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world." I had to remind him first that someone else in the Lord is also facing the same situation at least something similar. Still, he was not convinced at all. I then told him to open his Bible in John 5 which talks about the healing at the pool. The Holy Spirit was really at work, it was also a revelation for me! Praise God! In this chapter, we come across a man who is invalid. His problem was not the fact that he was at the wrong place for he were but the fact that all those thirty eight years, he could not go into the pool when the water was stirred up and receives his healing. The guy was surely sad, maybe he also felt like losing hope or maybe he even had lost hope for I mean no one would help him into the pool but still he REMAINED AT THE RIGHT PLACE! This pool which was called Bethesda was known for healing people who were disabled! He was at the right place but he could not received the blessing and not for one day but thirty eight longs years! 

I asked my brother in the Lord, do you think that the guy was not sad? Do you think he did not want to depart from there. I mean he was just like you at the moment, he had God, a " church"and yet his situation was the same! What do you think make the two of you different? His situation was even worse for he had NO ONE  but you do have us as your brethen in Christ to help you as we can spiritually and also financially. The man had no one, but he decided to remain at the right place. Just imagine if he left the place, then he would have never received his healing, and Christ would have never met him! Mercy! Ladies, my brother was just now in a more receptive position, realizing that the Holy Spirit was talking to him. I just thanked God for using me once again and I prayed with him. I believe God will finish in his heart what it started today for He is faithful. 

Ladies, challenges will always be in our lives but they should not put an end to our christian life. Challenges are to build our charater in Christ and to help us to grow in the Lord. Do not say because I have this challenge then I will not go to church. Church is important, I mean to attend church services is really important. The Bible says "not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching" ( Hebrews 10:25). Your situation may be the same but know joy always comes in the morning. See your challenges as nights, and remember your salvation is near! Remember that God wants us to stay strong and preservere in His Ways. Your God will never leave you, learn to ask Him " God, this is the struggle I am facing what do you want me to learn through it"? Ladies, stay strong in your battles! This man had the same situation for more than 20 years but he remained in the right place! As you are facing struggles, may God help us all to remain in the right place in Jesus Name!

To all my wonderful ladies outta there,

Much love,



  1. Bonne exhortation. Quand on se détache et cherche à trouver des solutions par nous même, c est la que le diable en profite pour semer en nous des pensées qui vont nous affaiblir et nous entêtér.

    Que Dieu te bénisse abondamment.


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