Hello wonderful ladies, I trust the Lord that you are doing well. Let us continue with our Have your say theme. Today, we are meeting Amaria Eve Angue Obame that I also called my daughter. She is a very humble lady, and I hope you will be blessed as you read her points of view .......
Ladies Wonderfully Made: Hello Amaria, thanks for letting us know more about you. So, tell you who is Amaria ?
Angue. Amaria : Hello LWM. My name is Angue Obame Eve Amaria, I am 20 years old and I am the first born of a family of six children. I am studying Corporate communication at the Higher Studies of Management Institute ( Institut de Haute Etudes de management).in the ministry, I am serving in the praise team called FlambeauxNG at the Evangelisim center of Bethanie.
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My two beautiful little daughters |
A.A: I got born again in 2005 during the Dunamis Convention organized by the church CRN( Christ Revealed to Nations- Christ Revele aux Nations). I realized that the fact that my parents were christians and even pastors would not mean anything to who I was spiritually. Their degree of spirituality could not saved me, I had to accept and receive Christ myself. From that time, I am enjoying my christian life.
For the other question, I will reply by saying that what changed was the fact that I used to be very much impatient. I gave my life to Christ young and before I did not know a lot about the things of this life( I am still learning by the way) the mistakes I made and the difficult moments, I lived all that once I was in Christ ..so I would say my life is a continuous learning, a daily fight. I fall and in Him I rise again more strengthened than before. This what maintains me and because of Him, I do not give up. Anyway, what changed radically in me is the fact that now I am very patient.
LWM: My Bishop Dag Heward Mills says that women have more problems than men. What do you think are our main problems as christian ladies?
A.A: Well ..(She is thinking) I do not know if I could say women have more problems than men....I would say instead that we have different problems for we are ladies and they are men...and this is because of our differences. It is true that woman compare to man will see a problem in its detailed points what is not the case for men... But this is what differentiates us and that is how God decided it should be....
LwM: According to you, what are the main problems that young christian ladies are facing?
A.A: Generally speaking, I would say that us women worry too much about finding the husband that will please us, we want to have the kids and the life that we have dreamed about. This push us most of the time to hast,and making the wrong moves because we hast and want to do things in our way without consulting God for directions. After that, we are disappointed and become bitter and incredule. We do not go to church anymore and we are away from God..just because we do let Him take the total control.
I also think that us women are confrontated to continuous temptations such as men who promise us the moon and the wind..we want to do things or are tempted to do things like the other women of our age. Some says, that is how we will be successful in life. For me by choosing God, I also made Him my friend and my confident, my advisor. I put in His hands my very life. When I am confrontated to temptations, I am asking Him" God what should I do? Or this man told me so and so, I belong to You God so tell me what I should do?".(Wow, what a powerful and humble sister)
LWM: If you were the admin of this blog, what would be the topic you will discuss more on?
A.A: I would talk more about how to keep a good relationship with God, how to recognize the Will of God in our lives, choices and decisions. Also, how to recognize what God has planned for us, I believe women love that topic a lot in this topic.
LWM: Any last comment?
A.A: I would just encourage those ladies to love God more than anything, because it is only when we will do it that we will enjoy fully everything including what God will grant us.
LWM: Thanks for availing yourself, Amaria?
A.A:Thanks to you little mom! :-) it was a privilege to do it.
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