Ladies Wonderfully Made: Hello, Jemy. Thank you for making yourself available to us. Can you introduce yourself to our wonderful ladies in Christ?
Jemy Kanelle: Hello, LWM. My name is Jemy Kanelle Mayene Andimi. I am 26 years old and I am studying Biomedecine(third year) at the Midrand Graduate Institute, in Midrand Johannesburg. I am the second child in a family of six children. In the ministry of Christ, I am the leader of the " Praise and Worship" team of the Lighthouse Chapel International Midrand.
LWM: How did you get born again? And what did change in you since you became a christian by the Grace of God?
J.K: Well, I have to say before being saved I was already going to church that time. Salvation came to me after a concert given by the group Exo( it is a french Gospel group) in 2000. My cousin was among the dancers during that concert and very much involved in the dance team of the church Bethanie in Gabon. I started thinking that I would like to do the same as well and from then I started attending the youth group in the church and later joined the dance team in 2002. it was during one of our youth meeting that I gave my life to Christ when they did the altar call I stood up and that was the start of my christian life. I will never forget the song that was singing as I was walking towards the pulpit to receive Christ. The song was saying" You can be born again, you can start all over, what was past does not count anymore, you can restart now with God". The same year, I was baptized in the water and I receive my baptism in the Holy Spirit...
I will say to answer the other question that what changed in me since I am a christian is the fact that now I do things according to the Will of God, to what God says. I began to compromise to do what God wants me to do. It is no more about what I feel or think, rather it is all about what God says and how He wants me to do things. That is why now if someone offends me, I will forgive him/her not because I feel like that but because that is what God wants me to do....The" normal" attitude would us to offend the person back but Christ taught me to do things His ways now ...
LWM: My Bishop Dag- Heward Mills loves saying women have more problems than men. What do you think are our main issues as Christian young ladies?
J.K: I believe our main issue as ladies is the fact that you lack a true relationship with God, Jesus our Savior. To have a relationship with Christ is not the fact to be in the ministry, to be in Praise and Worship, be involved in the activities of the church, it goes beyond that...If this is the case, then we will end up taking the commandments of God as burden in our life because we will not know God as we are supposed to know Him. When we do not have this close relationship with God, we will tend to quit the ministry if we hear that a pastor fall into adultery or fornication just because you do not know God. I think Christian ladies should know God, have the intimate relationship with Christ, we need it.....Women in Christ should be actively involved in the Ministry of Christ and everything we do must revolve around God...
LWM: How do you handle temptations? And how will you advise young christian ladies while dealing with temptations?
J.K: Prayer is the key to handle temptations. I pray even before temptations come even when everything is okay, I pray for it in advance. Also, I listen a lot to sermons and I read books as well. I listen as well to music sometimes when I am weak, music that will strenghten me and encourage me to stay firm in Christ. I remember that one of the prayers I prayed when I got born again was " Lord, keep me pure until my marriage. Keep me away from anyone who can influence me in a negative way and who can set me far from you". I believe by the Grace of God this prayer kept me from many things, protected me from falling into temptations. I also believe that to handle and deal well with temptations we need to understand God as He is. When you understand God you will know that even if you have feelings for an unbeliever you must not compromise your faith for that. We must be truthful with yourselves and with God, tell God what our weaknesses are and be genuine to Him and He will give us the strenght to always overcome the temptations that come our way...( Amen, sisi you are preaching good)
LWM: If you were the administrator of this blog, which topics will you discuss more about and why?
J.K: I think I will discuss more about relationships. I believe that women are more interested in it. It is natural as women to talk about such. I will discuss about relationship with God, the relationships we have with the opposite sex, any type of relationship that we as ladies may develop in our lives. The woman's world is centered on relationship so I think it is worth talking about it. The Bible gives us a lot of guidelines about relationship that as women we can apply in our daily lives. Both women, the one who is saved and the one who is not, experience feelings, and the Word of God is here to help us to handle them in the good way. It is important to talk about relationships because there is a misconception of the term in the world that we live in especially when it comes to dating. When some ladies told me that they are in a relationship and that I ask them " so when are you planning to get married?", they laughed at me. They think that marriage is not the purpose for dating, that we can date as we want and just flow but when you know what God tells us when it comes to relationships, you understand that you can just date anyone, and just for the pleasure of dating. You date for a purpose. Another misconception is that according to the World when you date you can be intimately active but according to God's'Word that is not the case. God never said that to have sex was wrong, no, but sex must be enjoyed in the right setting which is marriage....So I think, relationships would really be a topic I would talk about, for many are going astray for they do not know about it or they are not reminded of how this should be done .....( You are dialling my number sisi, I am taking notes :-))
LWM: Our interview comes to its end, do you have anything else you would like to add?
J.K: ( she smiles) I will let you with my favorite verse. This is the verse I keep close to my heart since I gave my life to Christ. You know when I became a Christian, I thought now all will be fine but the truth is things started to be complicated( she laughs) and that scripture helps me to remember that the end is worth THAN the beginning. It is taken from Ecclesiastes 7:8 and goes as follows " Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit."
Ladies Wonderfully Made would like to thank you once again for sharing your thoughts with us, we believe many women would be strenghtened as they will read you.
Much Love,
Nothing mentioned about me...lol