This morning, I want to finish with you this theme that God put in my heart. Woman, when you feel unloved. Why when you feel unloved, because the truth is that you based your statement on an emotion. You feel not loved and then you conclude that you are not loved. Wrong! You are loved. Jesus loves you even if others dont but His love matters the most so know that you are loved and learn to love yourself.
Many ladies make wrong moves and choices when they are not loved. They become women they should not be because they want to "gain someone s love". Leah felt unloved. She knew she was not loved by Jacob. She knew even on this wedding night that Jacob loved Rachel. It was a fact. Can you accept facts? Can you accept the reality of the matter? Leah did not accept it and she started doing wrong things.
In Genesis 29: 31 the Word tells us that God saw she was unloved and He opened her womb. God knows when we are loved. He loved us and as a Father He wants the best for us. When are you forcing someone to love you. Sometimes God puts red lights to draw your attention. He says " hey leave him he does not love you. Look up to me". God always speak but we decide to be fools sometimes. God saw Leah was not loved. Since they were married, He could not ask her to leave her marriage He opened up her womb.
Sometimes God blesses us and we take wrongly the purpose of those blessings. He did not opened her womb to make Jacob love her but to let her know that He loved her. Leah did not get it. Do you understand the purpose of your blessings, women of God? God does not bless us to make fun of people or to despise people. He bless us because He loves us.
Leah wanted Jacob to love her so much that she even bought a night with him from Rachel. Genesis 30: 16 "...You must come in to me, for I have surely hired you with my son' s mandrakes." What a shame! How low Leah went!
This is what" unloved people"do often, they start buying what should not be bought. Ladies, never buy someone s love. If he does not love you, it is okay. Let him go! Dont run after him. Dont force him to appreciate you. Dont pretend to be someone who you are not to be " loved". By the compassion of God, ladies love yourself!
It is true you love him so much. It is true you have even dreamt of a life with him but he does not seem to love you. Let him go. Do not say " if he does not come to me I will go to him". Please respect the lady you are. Respect your title of daugther of God. Let him go. Let this man go.
God saw Leah was not loved just as He sees that this man does not love you and is not good for you. As He opened your womb look up to Him. He will send another man for you.
Let your prince find you. Let God lead you to your man. Let Him write your love story.
I will let you with this. Each time you feel unloved know it is a trap from the devil. You are loved by God. Dont let a man determine the fact that you are loved or not. Dont let man shape your identity. You are loved by God! Amen
I see you realising God s love towards you. I see you being loved and honored by the man God will choose for you. I see you refusing to sell you short in Jesus Name.
With much love
DelaJoy Larissa
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