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How to wait on the promise? Make His Word personal to you

She prayed unto God. This was the fith year now since she received His promise. Dear Lord, when this child is going to come? Dear Lord, when is it going to come pass? I am so discouraged. I have been talking to you, I have been serving You faithfully. Dear Lord, are you there always? She rose up and she opened her Bible. Psalms 23: 1 The LORD is my sheperd. I SHALL NOT WANT!!!!!


Hello dear ladies, I thank God because I know that you are doing well. I thank God for your lives and the lives of your family. As we started yesterday, I am going to share again this morning on " HOW TO WAIT ON GOD S PROMISES". I believe that God has a Word for each one of us today.


Yesterday, I was giving you one key called strengthening yourself. It is not everytime that God will allow people to encourage us, to speak over our lives, to give us something that will strengthen us. Sometimes as we wait, God will close all the doors to us. He will bring us to this state whereas we will feel lonley although we are surrounded by people. He will make even people not to understand our situations and even our feelings because He wants to bring us to this place whereby we will be mature enough to strengthen ourselves.


I believe that this is the first attitude to have as we wait to strengthen ourselves with the Word of God. We need to learn to say " This is not the end of me. I may be in the dark valley now but it is not the end of me". We need to proclaim the Word. The Word is our strength. The more we proclaim it, the more we will be strengthen.


The second key I want to give to you this morning is to learn to make His Word personal to you. Each situation of our live matches with a verse in the Bible. There is nothing new under the sun. We just need to ask the Holy Spirit what verses in the Word concerns us and as He leads us we need to make this Word personal to us.


If you are going through a situation of lack, maybe Psalms 23 will be a good scripture for you. The Lord is Our Sheperd. Ask yourself the question can He lead me into poverty? Can He make me poor? He may aallow us to go into poverty but for a while not forever because His Word says that He leadeth us into the green pastures. God cannot leave you in a poor state. We are made to His Image!!!! He is not a poor God at all, so why will He allow you to stay poor?


Ladies, let us know really God. God is not a bad God. He is rigtheous! He is LOVE! His mind is not to hurt us or to deceive us. His mind is to mould us so we can be in His Image. What happened in the garden of Eden is that when man sinned, the image of God in Him got distorted that explains why the anormal has become normal to mankind because His Image in us got distorted but when we receive Him, His Image in us is reshaped so that we may be entirely in His Image. Our values need to match His, our emotions need to match His, our language need to match His but it is a constant process. God aways work in us.



I remember when I was in university, God allowed me to go through a season of dryness. My mother was having some fiancial problems and soon my Pocket money was reduced. Ladies, it was hard for me!!!!!!!!!! oh my God! I can see the whole movie again in my head! I was so used to have all I want but God through this season taught me to live and enjoy the minimum I could have. I could not spend money on food as I wished. I was eating salad for a long time not because I wanted but because I just could afford that. God kept me, I did not fall sick. I learnt my lesson.



As Paul know I can say "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want" Philipians 4:12 Unfortunately, Christians do not like to go through the dying process. Christians do not want to go through it. They try by all means to avoid it and end up taking shortcuts. But you know God cannot be mocked. There is a process you need to go through.



God sometimes does not bring the blessing because you refused to die, you refused to let Him work in your heart. But we need continually to choose to die. You see the Holy Spirit is even now changing the key. The second key is to die to yourself. Each promise has a price to pay. It is true that Jesus paid it all on the cross but it was for our salvation. But ladies of God when it concerns entering into your destiny, you need to pay a price because God paid a price by sending His Son! Jesus paid a price by dying on the cross what is the price that you are paying?


God told you you will own a store it is marvellous, I rejoice with you but chaley are you spending well your money? Are you even paying your tithe faithfully to start with?  How do you want God to bless you when you are stealing Him in the ofeerings with the little you have! God knows our hearts. You may say " I will pay my tithe when I will have a lot of money". REALLY! Start doing it now! God is not impressed with your decision, what are you currently doing now with it,


Some blessing needs people of character. if God told you that you will get pregnant for your husband it is awesome but if He also know that you do not have love He wont bring this child now. Having children requires love and patience. God knows that you are always mistreating others people children why should He bring yours now?


No matter what God promised you, know something He will give it to you but in His time when you will accept to pay the price, when you will accept to die to yourself.



It is time for you and I to let God break us and to pay the price. Esther paid the price she was ready to die to save her people are you ready to die to enter into God s promises? May the Holy Spirit reveal to you the areas where you still need to die in Jesus Name!



You are always blessed.


With much love


DelaJoy Lala.


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