Habakuk 2: 2 Then the Lord answered me and said,
“Write the vision
And engrave it plainly on [clay] tablets
So that the one who reads it will run.
“Write the vision
And engrave it plainly on [clay] tablets
So that the one who reads it will run.
Hello beautiful ladies in Christ Jesus! I believe that you are all doing well by His Grace. Let us continue on our series " Waiting in His promise". It is really important for us to develop the right attitude as we wait on the Lord.
We do need patience as we wait on God s promise. In my walk with Him, I realise that patience is a key to success and that God does not like precipitation, He is not hurried to do Hi Will because there is a season for all things and there are steps to success in Christ. Never be hurried! It is true that we love to receive what we ask instantly but we need to understand that our God works in us and He uses patience and it is because of His patience that you and I are saved today and others are deciding to serve God. He is patient, He knows that time is an important factor in life.
Even when He created the earth and the things in it, He took His time so as your Father decide to take your time as well. Take your time before entering into a project, take your time before entering into a Relationship, before calling someone your friend, before making a decision, take your time. Take the time to pray, take the time to let speak to you and give you " the go ahead" otherwise good morning heartaches and disappointments!!!! May this not be your portion in Jesus Name.
So God spoke to you, He revealed Himself to you through dreams and visions, His Word? Okay that is the first part but from the time He said it to its accomplishment there is a preparation, there is a time that will pass especially because every blessing always need a preparation.
God told Habakuk to write down the vison. Are you writing these things God told you or do you just say it is okay it is on my mind? You need to write this down, sister. You need to write down your vision, your dreams. Pay attention to your dreams never despise it. Sometimes I dreamt of something and later on this thing happens.
Once I had a dream, I was a still new convert. I dreamt that night that my grandmorther died and I told it to my mom who called me a witch that time because two days later she actually passed away. I was so troubled emotionally, I did not know anything about refusing what you saw in the dream. When you wake up, you have that ability to bound this dream or to seal this dream in Jesus Name depending on the nature of the vision. If you dream of something good before even putting your feet on the floor, say " I receive all those blessing (you mention what you saw in the dream) in Jesus Name!" if it is a bad dream, before putting your feet on the floor you bound all the evil forces in Jesus Name and proclaim God s Word for this particular situation. Do not just be there doing nothing. Dreams and visions are important!
God asked to Habakuk to write down the vision. How many dreams and visions we had nd we even forgot about it? How many prophecies we received and never wrote down? What happens is that we forget those visions and because it is not writtten we live without a purpose. Your vision, your dream determines who you will become in this life. It even determines the type of spouse you may have later but if you do not write it down how will you be able to discern God s time for your life?
Habakuk was complaining to God. He was telling Him in the first chapter that God was not hearing him anymore. He was complaining on the unrighteousness that his eyes could see each day. God told him WRITE DOWN THE VISION. I believe that God had given him a vision for His people but because he did not write it, he got weary and could not believe anymore. Where are your eyes ? Are your eyes set on the promises God gave you in His Word and personally or are they on your current situation?
God said WRITE DOWN THE VISION. The attitude you and I should develop as we wait is firstly to write down the vision. Write what God told you through His Word, through His servant. His Words are always true, as you write it you will be strentgthen in your faith.
The last thing you should do is to read it constantly. His Word continue in Habakuk 2: 2 by saying SO THAT THE ONE WHO WILL READ IT WILL RUN. In the French version, it says write the vision down so that it can be read constantly. Do not only write the vision and let it there!!!!! READ IT! PROCLAIM IT! BELIEVE IT! ALWAYS!
He said So that the ONE WHO WILL READ IT WILL RUN! Do you want to run in this life? Do you want to see those things happen live in your life? Then start to read it! You must read it. You will not see those things if you get weary and start to fear or doubt no! Read it constantly! When you wake up, read it! when you go to bed, read it! Proclaim those words over your life! It is God s Word for you!
From today, start saying I am a great Woman of God
I obey to the Word of God
I love the Word of God
The Holy Spirit is my best friend
I am blessed beyond measure
I am working
I have a good job
My spouse is on his way to me
I do not know proclaim what the Lord told you because as you proclaim it, your faith gets nourished, your spirit get strengthened and you are actually activating those blessings for you through the faith you use to declare it in Jesus Name!
May you write the vision, may you read constantly the vision!
I see you possessing your blessings in Jesus Name!
With Much love,
DelaJoy Lala
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