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Waiting on God s promises: What is your attitude?

Good day wonderful ladies of God. I trust God that He has kept you well and He continues to fight on your behalf even if He seems not to be on your side to you. Know that His Word is true in and for our lives. He said it "I am always with you until the end of times " Matthew 28:20.  God is with you always dear sister in the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Today, I would like to share with you about the attitude to develop as we wait on the promises of God. Each of us have received a word from the Lord since we gave our lives to Christ. For some the Word came through men of God for others it was directly from the Word of God. No matter how this Rhema which is the Word of God, we received something from God and since we cannot wait for this promise to come into existence.
The Word of God tells us that we shall not want because the Lord is Our Sheperd ( Psalms 23:1). How many Christians actually believe that they are not in want because the Lord already provided for our needs. How many Christains know about the promises of God and still live in frustations and troubles? It seems like the Word has lost His Power like Faith does not work anymore.
A lot of us know this powerful verse in Jeremiah 29: 11. God has plans to prosper and to harm us but do we really believe in it? If yes, when then when all seem to be dark we lost hope and this verse does not have anymore power in us because we opened door to the spirit of doubt and discouragement.
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It is been ten years God has promised me this thing, Lala and still I cannot even see a sign. All seem to get even worse! What is God doing? I am tired of chasing the devil away, I went through deliverance, I went to see some pastors, I went to do that and that. I fasted, I cried to God. Still nothing! I am giving up now. When God is going to remember me? When is He going to intervene?
Have you ever found yourself in such situations? It is like no one can even comfort you? Your friends even try to advise you but to you it is helpless because you did all they advised you to do. You did all you can do. They keep telling you " Do not give up. I am sure this breakthrough is on the way now" and when you look at your situation you go like " It has been two years now and still this breakthrough does not seem to come at all".
Ladies, if you are in this situation let me tell you that you are not alone. I am going through a similar situation. I know it is not easy. I know it may seem to be dark but I also knoow that it is not dark!!!!!!
It is not dark. The first thing that I believe you should learn to do when you found ourselves in this type of situation is to learn to strengthen ourselves. Chaley, you need to learn to strengthen ourselves.
I remember not so long ago, my mind was so troubled that I could not even pray. I wanted to share with someone my struggles. Deep down within me, I could hear the Holy Spirit telling me " Strengthen yourself" but I refused His advice. I told Him " I am tired to meditate. Nothing is changing. I prefer to speak to someone about it". The Holy Spirit then just looked at me. He just went on His corner like " I warn you".
I went then on Facebook and I wrote to a lady that I admire in the Kingdom. She is filled with God s presence and I thought to myself she will give me a powerful advice. You see what this situation makes us believe sometimes is that we cannot anymore receive directly from God. We believe that we need a mediator between us and God. Chaley, it is a lie. So here I am writing to this woman of God and believing she will reply to me.
NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE DID NOT REPLY TO ME AT ALL! and yes i know she saw my inbox message how? because she uploaded pictures on her wall, I just knew she read it but chose not to reply. And I know that my dear friend that I ignored previously led her not to reply to me. I just had this word of knowledge.
So here am again! I am saying to myself " oh this lady she did not reply to me. oooh I even mentionned the fact that I liked her YouTube channel yiooh people." and I just heard " I told you to strengthen yourself!!!"
You see the Holy Spirit is always right. Each time that we disbobey Him, you hurt ourselves. Sometimes as we wait on His promises, God is moulding us. He wants to develop a certain character in us but we are too hurried and we do not even see that it is to our own benefit.
As you wait on His promises, learn to strengthen yourself with the WORD OF GOD. No one will do this for you. No one not even the Holy Spirit you you alone need to learn this. You need to tell to yourself " yes it is not as I want but better days are coming". You need to tell to yourself " yes it is true that God told me this and I have not seen it yet but this is not it. The best is yet to come."
I will close xwith this scripture " David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God." 1 Samuel 30:6
You see David was a man just like you and I. He was anointed, chaley this is the man according to God s heart but the Word tells us that it came a time in his life when he was GREATLY DISTRESSED. Are you in a distress situation? Are you in difficult situation? Do people plan to harm you? Do not panic strengthen yourself like David in the Lord your God.
With much love,
DelaJOY Lala.


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