Since I created the blog by the Grace of God, God laid into my heart a burning vision. Each time that I want to give up, the vision burns into my heart and I am reminded of the Word God gave me. You see everytime the Lord will send you, He will make sure to give you a Word for it will be His power within you.
' Where there is no vision, the people perish' Proverbs 29: 18. Your vision makes you, it shows you where you should go. Each time, the Lord sent someone in the Bible, He gave the person his purpose. When God created Adam, He told him that he had to be fruitful, to multiply and fill the earth Genesis 1:28.
Aim to know the purpose of your life. If you still do not know it, I beg you go into the inner chamber and ask God. God knows that without the vision, you shall perish. Because you know who you are, you will know with who you should associate yourself with. Because you know who you are, you would know not to mess with your body. Because you know who you are, you will know how your husband would be. He may not be as tall as you have imagined, but he will display the spiritual characterics that would make you a suitable partner for him.
Your vision will be found into his. Ladies, if I knew my vision on time, it would have saved me from a lot of foolishness I can tell you. ooh I wished I understood those things earlier.....
Those days, I medidate on the book of Nehemiah. He was a great man of vision and he sticked up to it. Many people can have visions but not all of them will pursue and see it live. If you want to build things, assure yourself to build with the Holy Spirit, otherwise you will build up in vain.
Every time you will rise up to make your vision live, the ennemy will rise up to discourage you and mock you. He will give you 100 reasons for which your vision is unrealistic and cannot succeed in this world. Sanballat, Tobiah never wanted Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. They wanted the walls to remain like thatn to mock the people of God.
This brings me to this point. Your vision is the answer of the cries of God's people. Your vision is not to make you happy ALONE. God is not selfish, it is to make the children of God happy. Your vision is for the welfare of the people of God.
The Bible tells us that Sanballat and Tobiah were displeased to see that someone had come to seek the welfare of the Isrealites. Do not be a Christian who only think of his prosperity, of his own issues. Imagine Jesus did the same, where would you be today?
Nehemiah had a great position in the Kingdom but he did not use it to destroy the people of God, or mock them. How is it that even in the Kingdom of God, Christians do not love their sisters and brothers.
Nehemiah started his building company and the people he recruited were Christians. I am not saying that you should not recruit unbelievers but we should not forget our brothers.
My question to you today is ' what is your vision?'
Is your vision self centered?
Does it respond to the need to your brethen?
Did God tell you why you should pursue this vision?
Is it a God given vision or self desire Vision?
If this vision is from God, let me conclude by this
Nehemiah 2;20 The Lord of heavens will make you prosper in Jesus Name.
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