"She cried. She sat on her bed and said oh I am not worthy of love. what can I do for one to love me? What should I do? I am a mess. Will I only be loved one day? She broke in tears.."
Have you ever thought like no one loved you, like you were not worthy of love? Today I want to encourage you dear woman of God. As women, we have the tendency to do anything in order to make someone love us or to be accepted by someone. We even compromise on what we may believe just to be accepted. Is this not sad? Ladies, never compromise your beliefs and identity for someone, be who you are. Do not pretend to be who you are not. Be who God wants you to be!
In Genesis 29, we found the beautiful story of Leah. Leah was that woman that was rejected by her husband and people. In fact, no one had chosen her to be his wife. To get married, she had to marry the husband of her younger sister! Jacob never planned on getting married with her at all! I am sure that Leah was heartbroken, I am sure she felt rejected, I am sure she fought with some low self esteem problem.
The Bible shows us in this chapter from verse 31 to 35 that Leah used to think that if she could bare some children for her husband then she will be loved by him. What do you think will make people love you? Are you pretending to be someone because you want people to love you? Are you planning of losing some weights because you want this person to love you? The reasons might not be bad, they might even be good resolutions but my friend never do things to please men. Men will never be satisfied with you. They will ask more and more.....The Word says in Colossians 3 verse 23 that we should do everything to please God!
The Bible says in verse 35 And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Now I will praise the Lord.” Therefore she called his name Judah. Then she stopped bearing. God did not stop make Leah conceived until she realized why she was conceiving. God wanted her to see that He actually loved her that is why He opened her womb not because He wanted her husband to love her but because He wanted her to see He loved her.
Do not live your life for someone or for some people. The purpose of your life should not be determined by people but by God. God wants you to know that He loves you. If you feel like no one loves me, oh I am not good enough , chaley remember Jesus loves you. When you will see that God loves you, He will make you see the goodness of this life. Do not become bitter, do not become unfriendly, stay a daughter, continue to praise God.
Leah was unloved, some people may not love you but you know what it is okay. you just do not become someone you are not stay yourself and abide in Christ. Christ does love you!
I see you not compromising your dreams, I see you not pretending , I see you being loved by God always and walking in His love in Jesus Name. Amen!
With much love,
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