Those days, I realized how everything revolves around God. I mean everything. From the dress I wear to the make up I use, from the verse I read to the friends I have. Everything turns around God. My money belongs to God. A lot of women love spending their money into clothing, jewellery, and other things like that. As for me, this desire faded a long time ago. There is nothing wrong with spoiling yourself at all, please do not get me wrong but also know that you should build God's House.
I thank God because I spend most of my money in His Work. Not to seek anyone's favor, the way people deceived me in the past taught me to believe so much in Colossians 3:23. Now I do things for God and Him alone. I just want to help in any way I can, I just want to support His Ministry. I know it is not much but Lord if you can use anything, you can certainly use my money and anything that belongs to "me".
Ladies, today I want you to desire the anointing. Be a woman that seek the anointing. Chaley, how we need the anointing. You and I were called to make people disciples of Christ. How on earth do you think you will do this if you are not anointed! Jesus Himself said in Luke 4:18 that the Spirit of God was upon Him so He could PREACH the Gospel and set free the CAPTIVES....let us read all together.
Luke 4: 18 The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity], 19 To proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord [the day when salvation and the free favours of God profusely abound].
God does not call you a preacher! Please you are not a preacher! You are a minister! I beg to differ. To preach the Gospel is a percentage of what is your task! Jesus preached but He also healed people! This is the ministry of Jesus! Anyone who calls himself a follower of Christ should have His Ministry not preaching! The ministry of Jesus is composed of : 1) Preaching to the poor, 2). Releasing the captives, 3) Healing and delivering, 4) proclaiming. Maybe you should do a quiet time on this for God to teach you more about this.
Women of God , do not kill your seed! As woman of God, I will never stop saying this, the devil HATES US! The Bible said God put enmity between the serpent and our seeds! The devil will try by all means to kill our seeds. Some of us are so shortsighted that we think if we dance for God, if we sing for God, if we preach the Good news so we made it! Stop being deceived! Many people out there are deaf, cannot see, or walk who do you think they are waiting for? Your pastor, the evangelist, who? Chaley, they are waiting for you!
They are waiting for us! And I am preaching to myself here. Today, as I woke up. God told me we are limitating ourselves as Christians especially Ladies! We are so distracted with men! We are too distracted with our relationships! We are too much distracted! May God help us! Oh God open their eyes so they may see too! He gave us everything ! Everything! We have the power to heal, to cast out demons, to pray so people will receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit! To preach and win souls for Christ! We have this power through the Holy Spirit! But what do we do with it? WE SIT ON IT! Yes, ladies WE SIT ON THE POWER!
Everyday, we see people who cannot walk, cannot talk, people who are sick and what do we do? Charity! We give them money so they will be able to sustain themselves! Here again deception! Peter said " I have no gold, no silver but what I have I give to you." Peter had Jesus! He knew his seeds, He knew His ministry! He could say " rise up and walk". Can we say that? We have a lot of scriptures in our mind, that is powerful! But do we have the power which goes with it? Do we have the anointing?
Ladies, it is time to wake up! Let us stop sleeping on our gifts! Let us stop thinking our fulfilment is found on marriage, our jobs, our careers, our dreams! Stop wasting your time! Jesus is coming! He will judge us based on what we did with this power He gave to us! Ladies, seek for the anointing! We need the anointing! Decide to be a seeker of the anointing! Stop seeking for earthly things! Look unto Jesus! As you seek the anointing to build God's House, God will give you what you desire at the right time!
My heart and spirit are crying out loud" Ladies, wake up! Seek the anointing! Fulfil your purpose! The hour is near".
I see you seeking the anointing on your life! I see you becoming spiritual! I see the burden for souls, healing, and delivering people be given to you! I see the scales of your eyes be removed! I see your seeds growing NOW in Jesus Name!
With much love,
Ey Chaley I receive :) Its me sister Sinalo from UWC . Powerfull words sister