Today, I want to ask you a question" are you trustworthy"? Can God reveal to you things to come and you will be able to keep it until what you saw come to pass. God cannot reveal certain things to some of us because He knows how much we can talk! Ladies, we have a lot of "issues" , I tell you. If you are a sanguine, chaley(my friend) you may need to learn how to keep quiet from time to time. Sanguine people are people who are outgoing, they flow with everyone. They are among the popular people. We need them for our parties or meetings to be successful. They are very joyful. Because they always talk, people around them may feel outcasted, or not heard.....
You may say "I am not then a sanguine, in fact I do not talk much". Then, my sweetheart you may need to learn how to speak and have a conversation with people. Are you a wood or a decorative tool that you should just smile and nod as people speak. God gave you a mouth so you can speak. Personally, I am very careful with people who are always quiet. People who do not talk, people who always say "I am fine". I am very scared of them. Why? Because they can betray you anytime, you do not know what is in their minds, what they think. Absalom spent a year without talking to Amnon, the one who raped his sister Tamar. He said nothing during a YEAR and after he killed him! Quiet people are dangerous. If you are quiet, learn to speak. You cannot say you have nothing to say always! Don't you think? From time to time, I may understand but everytime chaley there is something wrong!
Ladies, are you trustworthy? Can someone open up to you without being scared of you reporting what she told you to someone else? In my church, we are taught about " Loyalty and Disloyalty". Chaley, do not expect me to keep quiet if you come and make a critical comment or come to gossip about my pastor, a minister or anyone else. I will sell you out! I am not a cupboard! I want to go to heaven, please help me by not coming to me and say "foolish things" about people. This is one of the traits of a loyal person. Now, someone may come and tell you she fell into a sin. This one you are not expected to go around and tell the whole world about it but to advise her in the Lord and pray for her. Ladies, are you trustworthy? Can people trust you? Can God trust you with His gifts, anointing, blessings?
It is amazing to see that after Peter, James and John saw how Jesus was speaking with Elijah and Moses, Jesus said " 9 And as they were going down the mountain, Jesus cautioned and commanded them, Do not mention to anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead(Matthew 17). God wanted them to keep quiet until the right season comes.
Sometimes, God shows you things to come in your life, in the life of your friends, sisters, in the church but He does not expect you to go around and spread the Word. Rather, He wants you to keep quiet and to wait for the right time to say it. How do I know it is God's Time for me to say when He showed me? Well, you will know it! The Holy Spirit will tell you. That's why it is very important for us to know when it is God speaking to us. We have twelve different voices that talk to us daily: the voice of God, the voice of the flesh, the voice of the mind, the voice of the circumstances, the voice of your spouse, the voice of your pastor, the voice of the devil, the voice of prophet to name few. You have to know which voice talk to you. Often, we say it is God who spoke while it is our flesh or minds. To know the voice of God, it is important for us to abide in Him through His Word. When God speaks, there is clarity. There is faith, there is patience. God is never in a rush to do His Will. When you are in a rush for things, know you are following another voice. God does things patiently.
Do not make the mistake of revealing to anyone what God told you! Some people will make you doubt. They will say " are you sure it is from God? The way I see the situation chaley it is certainly not God ooh". If the disciples were telling what they saw people might have told them that they dreamt, they did not see well" how can Jesus be with Moses and Elijah"? Revealing what God told you before His time will kill your faith in what He promised you. It will make you doubtful especially if you tell people God did not send you to. Why only Peter, John and James saw this and not the others apostles? I believe it is because Jesus knew they were trustworthy and obedient. Plus, they were close to Him. For God to show us things to come, you need to be obedient , close to Him and to be found trustworthy. Do not expect God to reveal you things if you do not show those attributes. I will say it again" God is a God of principles!".
I see you being trustworthy, I see you being obedient, I see you being close to God! May God open you eyes to see things to come in your life and as He does may you write it down and wait God's time to reveal it to others in Jesus Name! Amen.
With much Love,
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