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There is a time for everything under the sun. At a certain period in my life, I wanted God to reveal to me the times for His blessings in my life. I was asking Him, when will be the time for me to get a job, to enter into ministry, to get married and so on.

At a point, I became very worried because to me I was in danger. But you see faith is a spiritual thing. We live by faith as Christian, we do not live by prophecies. Prophecies over our life can strengthen our faith but we cannot live by them. To God, faith is really important.

Maybe you really feel alone. Maybe you see your age flying and you question God about your marriage. Know that God will not give you the exact time. He may tell you it will be in two years but He won't tell you you will meet him tomorrow. God loves to surprise us.

He makes all things beautiful at his time(Ecclesiastes3:11). In this verse ,God does not talk about His time but rather on the time He appointed for this thing you want. There is a time set for your marriage.Do not press God. He is always on time.

God knows the time of your encounter with that man of God. He knows the time you will get an employment. He knows the time you will bring forth children. He knows the time. Let God do His thing and trust in Him.

Do not compare your life to someone else. You are not everyone. You are you. You are special. Your story will not be the same as mine. God does not like repetition. He loves to create things, new things. He loves to surprise us so we can say ' This could only be the doing of Jehovah'.

As you await, trust Him and be thankful. Develop your relationships. Grow in His Word. Serve Him. Upgrade yourself. Pray and have faith.

God is a good God. God is faithful. Never let depression take over you. Meditate on the Word. Proclaim it.

The last key is faith. Faith causes us to be patient and to not grow weary. Have faith in God and believe that at the right time and its time, you will be brought to your husband just as Eve was brought to Adam.

To hear more on this, clickLiving a purposeful life of singleness. (Only for the French Speakers, I noticed they view most my videos. For the English Speakers, let me know through my email if you want me to put the English version for you on the Tabitha Show).

Remember you were chosen to serve Christ and impact your generation!

You are loved.



  1. Wow, such an on time word for what I'm going through. Awesome wonderful God inspired word for me.Thank Jehovah for this word and I thank you for sharing

  2. Wow, such an on time word for what I'm going through. Awesome wonderful God inspired word for me.Thank Jehovah for this word and I thank you for sharing


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