' As I was making my niece eat, the devil wishepered to my ears' look, this is a delicous chocolate croissant will you not have a bite of it. Cut your fast and taste this croissant. You will not postpone your blessings for this.'
This was me one day. I was fasting during this period because I really needed to be restored and strengthened by the Lord. I wanted to know where I was in my walk with Christ. Trust me fasting is one of the best way to maintain your connection with God and be restored.
Yes, when you pray, serve the Lord in your local church you are connected to God. But when you fast, you become more sensitive to the voice of God. Why?Because your flesh is submitted to the Lord and your spirit communes daily with your Master.
When you practice this spiritual exercise often, it becomes easy for you to not accomplish the desires of the flesh to do the will of your Heavenly Fasther.
The devil knows that when we fast, blessings will follow us according to the purpose of the fast. As always, he wants to steal those blessings to make our fast vain. But glory be to God for we are not ignoant of his methods.
As I stared at this croissant, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a sermon I listened to the day before about the blessings that follow fasting. The man of God, Prophet Sosthene Mabouadi said something that blessed me so much. He said never sell your destiny.
Do you remember of Esau who sold his birthright for a meal. He was so starved that he despised the privilege he had to be the firstborn of his family.
Ignorance can lead you to despise the blessings of God over your life.You may not have it all but you have already something. The Word tells us that before Esau's name was Obed. His name was changed to Esau. Our names are very important to God. A destiny can be attached to a name, this is why we need to know the meaning of our names and surnames especially for those who come from Africa.
Sometimes someone gives to you a name because for her that person was kind to her but she overlooked the fact that the name means witch. We really need to pray God to reveal the thing that are still hidden in our lives.
This chocolate croissant could postpone my blessings. It could steal my blessings but I thank the Holy Spirit who warned me. The devil is a liar!!!
Do not trade your blessings of the Lord for the pleasures of this earth. Do not trade it for a sexual pleasure. Do not trade it for the love of money. Do not trade it for anything.
We need to be determined and to cling onto Him. Those earthly things shall pass away but His Word shall not pass away.
I do not know what you are going through, but be encouraged to follow Him and to renounce to every thing that can turn the heart of God against you.
As you do so, I see God restoring you and blessing you beyond your imagination in Jesus Name.
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