Hello everyone! I thank God for your life. Please thank the Lord for all you have and do not have YET! I am saying yet because I believe that you shall have it in His Time if it is in His will, so do not get discouraged, do not lose heart, give thanks to the Lord seeing your breakthrough!!!
Today, my title is Woman Issue, to tell you the truth i did not know how to entitle it. I gave this name because I noticed that this "issue" is common among women. That being said, let us turn our Bibles in 2 Corinthians 10: 12:
Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. but when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.
Comparison! Oh that word is a true disease among womanhood! How many women compare themselves with each other? How many women feel inferior to others women because they " lack" of certain things? How many women are hating or jealousing each other? I am telling you this is a great disease among the women community and it needs to be healed in Jesus Name.
The Word tells us that those who are comparing themselves with one another are without understanding! Why, Because they did not understand the purpose of their life. I mean why are you hating when Sista Paula got a job while you are still unemployed. Why are you jealous and depressed when Sister Hannah announces her engagement. Women, we need to change in Jesus Name.
Our fellow sisters are not our ennemies, they are our sisters. It is difficult for people to know who are my true sisters ( especially if we are from the same country) because I do not like to say ' she is my sister in Christ) it just does not sound right in my spirit. I always say ' she is my sister'. And I truly mean it. Jesus said my sisters, my mother, my brothers are the ones who do the Will of my Father. So that is my belief.
You are sisters. Never compare yourself with women or human beings. We all have our flaws. We are all trying by His Grace to make our way to Heaven. Every blessing are given according to a purpose! Do you even know it?
It saved me from a lot of foolishness! I tell you! She is getting married ( normally I say this cause some marriages those days you just wonder help us Lord) for a purpose! She is engaged for a purpose! She has a job for a purpose! She is bearing children for a purpose! She is still single for a purpose!
I always say ' Lala, let us cherish this single life!!!!!!!' I mean once i will be married I would not be able to go to my friends as much as I like, i will not be able to cook what I like ( I have to take into consideration Adamus liking), I would have to balance between my life as a woman, a spouse, a mother, a leader, a friend eish God grant mercy to all those who are married, engaged, it is not simple at all.
So stop comparing yourself! I have learnt to stop saying ' I want to be like this woman of God'. I cannot be like her. Her life and mine do not have the same purpose. I admire Lady Reverend Adelaide Heward Mills, God used her to save me from a lot of FOOLISHNESS I tell you especially in the areas of LOOOOOOOVE. And my wish was to be like her, to have a deep relationship with God just like her. But this is not good! Her life can encourage me to stick up to God but it cannot make me deny the purpose God has for me in my life.
We can admire woman of God, they can be a 'model' for us, but we cannot say we want to be like us this lead to comparison which leads if goals not reached to hatred, jealousy, and so on. Let us be wise, let change our minds.
I pray God to renew our minds and to fill our hearts with pure hearts one to another as woman of God in Jesus Name!
With Much love.
DeLaJoy Lala.
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