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What are they saying about you?

Hello wonderful ladies of God! I trust God that you are all doing well by His Grace. Let us continue to press on and to push on! The end is worth it! 

Today, I am not going to be long. I want to share with you Matthew 5:16 

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
I do not personally believe that our identity must be shaped by our acquaintances, or friends. Our identity is shaped by the Word of God. But here, God revealed to me something as I was meditating upon it. Our identity is shaped by his Word but its authenticity is tested by our families, friends, etc.

It is too easy to say that you are light still your works are done in the darkness. It is too easy to say that we are Christian yet we are holding grudges against each other. The soldier at the cross confessed that Jesus was truly the Son of God. What are men saying about you? What are your family saying about you?

I konw some of them lie but some of them tell also the truth. When they speak about you, you just recognize yourself in what they say. I want to encourage us to truly be a light. We can deceive men but God cannot be deceived.

I learnt to do regular spiritual check ups on my spiritual life. As I told a friend, if you want to really know if you are real after praying God to reveal your ways, ask people around you. Do not rely on your own ideas! You will be GREATLY DECEIVED! We cannot truly see our actions but people around us do.

The Word says may your light shine not before you but before OTHERS so that they may see YOUR GOOD WORKS and GIVE GLORY TO THE FATHER! 

You do not shine for yourself, to give you a name on this earth, you let your light shine before others for they will see your good works. If no one sees our goods works ( not Christian only please also the unbelievers) then we have a BIG PROBLEM. 

Believers and unbelievers have seen the works of the Jesus and they gave the glory to the Father. Can this be said about you? Or are they just seeing your beauty, your clothing, they way you pray, the way you speak in tongues, the way you gossip, the way you judge others? 

What are they saying about you? What are they seeing in you?

I advise you this morning to go and find it for yourself as you do so, God will give you grace to make shine your light in the good direction in Jesus Name.

Witch much love,

DelaJoy Lala.


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