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Ladies, count your blessings!

"Is God going to put a smile on my face also? Is God going to bless me too with a job, with the anointing, in my studies? Is God even hearing my cries and supplications? Is God...?"

She prayed and she cried her heart out loud to Christ. She was confused, she was bitter, she was broken, she needed PEACE OF MIND. Like this woman, you may be at a point of your life when most things are going wrong for you. You do not even seem to understand why it feels like the whole world is against you. It may seem to you that Christ has departed from you, and that your prayers are in vain.

Are you going through a tough storm right now? Are you feeling like God does not listen to you sometimes? Today, I would like to encourage you. You see, God is not a man to lie what He says in His Word will always come to pass. For He is so faithful!

Do you know that sometimes God can choose to just remain silent? That God does not speak always especially when He already spoke to you but it is like you do not seem to understand? Oh Yes, definitely God speaks to us through His Word and sometimes depending on your relationship with Him, He may speak to you directly but still it will be according to His Word.

It is amazing to see that when Lazarus died and that Mary sent people to let him know of that, Jesus did not rise up immediately to go and raise him(John 11). The Bible says He waited for two more days. Two more days! Did you think that Mary and Martha were happy? They trusted in the Lord, Mary even bought a costly perfume, poured it onto the feet of Jesus, this is how much they loved Christ and trusted in Him. They expected Christ to come as soon as He heard the news but He did not. Sometimes, God let things happen just to show how great He is.

But let me give you a secret. In your wilderness, in your darkest hour, learn to count your blessings! Psalms 103: 2Praise the LORD, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits. Others versions says " forget not all His blessings". Has the Lord not blessed you before? You will say but this one is different? Is it? You think it is different but not for God? If you knew why God bless you at the first time, it will change how you even define blessings. God bless us so His Name may be glorified! He blesses us so people may see He is our God! He blesses us so we may tell His Wonders! And His blessings are more spiritual than anything else!

Learn to count your spiritual blessings? It is true you are not working, it is true you are not bearing any child for now( it will come), it is true you are not married, it is true you are not doing well at the moment in your course, it is true you failed your last test, it is true! Your facts are true but your conclusions are wrong! It does not mean God does not hear you, my friend! God hears you because you are precious in His Sight, He Loves you! If only, we could know the depth of His love towards us, a lot of foolishness will not be our portion!

Decide to thank God for what He has done for you. Name what He has done for you. I am thankful to God for the breath of life, a great sinner like me, still His mercies and Grace allow me to still be alive because I have a great Savior! Thank God because Jesus is your Savior! It is a blessing my friends! Just imagine if God did not love us, and Jesus never came, we will be in hell! Chaley(my friend), I do not know about you, but I do not want to go there at all! That's why I pray daily for the mercies and Grace of God over my life to enable me to be how He wants me to be, and do the things I have to do for Him! Chaley, only through His Grace I can do this oh!

I thank God for my family, my biological family, and spiritual one! For the godly friends I have! For the shepherds I have , amongst them Bishop Dag Heward Mills, Lady Reverend Adelaide Heward Mills, Reverend Napoleon Essien, Lady Pastor Nana Essien, Pastor Joe Disela to name them. I appreciate them, their teachings saved me from a lot of foolishness, I cannot emphasize that enough....I am telling you! You need to take the time to pray for your pastors! I thank God for my studies, my good health, my finances, for the creation, I thank God for even Him being good. Sometimes, I wonder how will it be if God was Satan? Have you asked yourself this question? No? That is why you cannot be grateful for what you have, my friends. I mean I am thankful God is God. If Satan was God, shoo this world I don't know. We are saved by Grace but with Satan I wonder. We have a God to whom we can go 24/7 no consultations, some former satanists said to see Satan you have to present blood, you have to be called! I am thankful because it is God who reigns, yes because God is God, I am thankful! With my huge past, and my behavior still this God loves me! I do not take that for granted!

I want you to consider your life! Ponder over it! Ponder over what Christ has done for you! Even take a walk to the beach, just look at the creation and start to COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!

This mountain, you will not see it no more as huge as you think it is. You will begin to laugh at it for you will end up saying" lol, please don't make me laugh, God has saved me from many things before, I love the fact that you seem to be a huge problem because a huge blessing is waiting for me!!!"

As you do so, back it with the scripture. God loves when you know His Word! He will never forsake me , nor leave me! My God is able! I see you counting your blessings, I see you stop pondering over your issues and starting to be thankful! I see a huge smile on your face! I see the Joy of the Lord being your strength! My dear ladies, how you are blessed because you are in Him! God loves you! Rejoice in the Lord!

With much love,



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