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My big sister and I |
"8Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.9 Be not HASTY in thy spirit...". As she was praying, this was the scripture that Christ put into her heart, and the Holy Spirit told her something that she will never forget by the Grace, He said " I will teach you about the Art of Waiting, I want you to know how to wait upon your blessings without being depressed".
That was me three months ago....Today, I want to ask you something. Is there a promise that Christ gave to you and up to now you are still waiting upon it, there is nothing coming that you even start to doubt upon what God has told you? As ladies, as I said we tend to be driven more by our emotions than the Spirit of God, we need to learn how to wait. I believe that the major area where we still struggle is relationship especially marriage as we get close to 30 years old.
"Everyone is getting married", "Everyone is having a beloved", " I am 26years old, I have no beloved, no one is even looking at me", "When will he come and propose to me" those are the kinds of thoughts that as women we sometimes ask ourselves. I used to think like that as well, don't worry you are not alone but today I want to reshape your thinking. The Bible says it is better to be PATIENT in the Spirit and that we should not be Hasty!
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Lady Reverend Adelaide H.Mills |
Do not be hasty to get married, to enter into a relationship, take your time. As you wait, decide to strengthen your relationship with Christ. Do you have a strong relationship with Christ, how often do you pray, read the Word? Do you know that marriage is even a ministry. I believe that many young women have been deceived when thinking about marriage. They only think about the dresses, the guests, the gifts, the husband they will marry, the sexual life they will have, what they will get from it, but they do not think about what will I bring on the table? Women want to marry but do not know how to cook. Women of the 21st century want to marry but are not kind, are not filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, my dear friends we will need those fruits to be able to stay married.
Maybe you wonder how do I know all those things? The Holy Spirit taught me, and I have been taught also extremely by Him through my role model Lady Reverend Adelaide Heward Mills. One year ago, I was into a relationship, I really thought I would get married to that guy but God told me He was not for it. Women of God, it is not because you love the guy and the guy loves you that it means that he is the right man for you. Have you taken your time to pray for the Will of God for this? Is it the Will of God for you to get married to that man? Since that relationship, I started to pray for the Will of God even for the choice of my man. I just do not want to get married, I want to get married to the right man according to God's heart for my life. He may speak in tongues, be a minister, have all the qualities I may look for but if God tells me he is not the right man for my life then I will not even waste my time looking at him.
It sounds harsh but I learnt through my previous relationship to never again enter into a relationship without having prayed about it. Do not be hasty, take your time to pray for it, to consider, to ponder over it. As you wait, decide to be more spiritual, to strengthen your relationship with Christ. As you wait, fall in love with Christ, learn to be contempt with His presence otherwise it will be difficult for you to let your husband do what he has to do for God, you may even take him as the god of your life because you do not know to be contempt with God's presence. As you wait, keep serving Christ, be on fire for Him, pray for the anointing, we need to be anointed women of God to transform people's lives through the power of Christ.
There are so much thing you need to consider and to pray for as you wait for your blessing. Maybe you know you are a healer, but you cannot just walk on a stage and start a healing crusade. God said "do not be HASTY!". As you wait for God's perfect timing, learn about healing, how Jesus healed people, follow great ministers into this ministry such as Benny Hinn, Bishop Dag Heward Mills, pray for your ministry. God never put you into something without Him preparing you for this stage. Never! Read the Word. Even before Jesus started His ministry, He had to go fast and pray for 40 nights and days, time of preparation. Before Esther became a queen, she had to be prepared for twelve months!!!!!!!! before entering into the presence of the King. Preparation is very important, if you fail to prepare yourself, you will fail what you plan to do.
Do not be hasty. I want to encourage a young woman today. Chaley (my friend), relax, take your time, you wont die, stop dramatizing your situation. As you wait, ask God "What do you want me to learn about as I wait". God will open your spiritual eyes so you can see how great the work is. I will finish with this thing, God told me recently. He told me " Lala, do you know why I said you should develop the art of waiting? Do you know why I want you to wait ?". I said " No! I really do not understand why I should wait for something You told me I will have, why God"? Then, He smiled and told me " My blessing enriches and adds no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22)."
WOW! You know sometimes God gives you a clue and wants you to dig for the revelation so I decided to ponder over the Scripture and to get a certain revelation of it. Then, the Holy Spirit told me " Lala, everything that God does work with time, there is a time to wait and to receive, when you wait God strengthen you, develop your character, gives you what you still lack of, draw you near to Him so when the time of blessing will come even if a storm has to come you will know how to handle it because God has worked on you, your trials you will see it as Glory and not sorrow for you have been prepared for it. That is why when God blesses you, you can't be sorrowful because He always prepares you for things to come."
Woman of God, learn how to wait, may Christ grant us supernatural Grace to wait, the Grace to be spiritual and to love Him. As you do so, I see God giving you what He promised you, by the time you will enter into your ministry or marriage it won't become your idols because you learnt to wait and to be prepared for it and as you did, you learnt to put Jesus at the center of it all!
With much love,
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