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Ladies, choose to be wise!

Hello wonderful ladies in the Lord, I hope you are all doing well by the special Grace of God. Today, I just want to let you know that our " have your say " month is back! We hope to read you soon and to discover how the Lord has been good to you and how he did find you. 

We will start next week by the special Grace of God and I believe we will all be blessed through those interviews and also testimonies.  I will leave you with a short exhortation on Esther. If you follow the page on Facebook, you will notice that we are currently studying the book of Esther and so far we have been so blessed through this book that has a lot of revelations and counsels too. My exhortation will be on Esther 5: 7 " And during the serving of wine, the king said to Esther, what is your petition? Even the half of the kingdom, it shall be performed". How will you react if one day a person in a high authority ask you what you want and what you need and then he promises to you that you shall have it? I think you should be very wise in order for you to know what you will  ask.

I remembered on my birthday, I prayed to God to make it very special, very spiritual. I did not want a birthday as I use to have such as waking up, thanking the Lord for my new year, having a cake brought by my friends, and receiving gifts. I wanted something more special and spiritual, my birthday fell on a Sunday, just imagine how excited I was. So, I prayed to God a week before and ask Him to make my birthday spiritual, I wanted Him to talk to me about my future, my present, like renewing me, doing just something different in my life. I woke up in the middle of the night or early morning around 3 am and the Holy Spirit gave me a scripture taken in Mark 6: 22. It is actually something similar to what happened to Esther. The king asked his daughter to ask him for anything and that it will be granted to her. Then, God told me " what do you want, I shall give it to you". I did not know what to ask, I was thinking during the whole day. At first, I thought of asking to God a husband. Lol, mercy on me, I also thought of my studies, but still in my spirit I just sensed there was something higher I should ask for. It was only during the late service that the Holy Spirit told me " Lala, you should ask for the love of God". It seems crazy ey. But the Holy Spirit told me that I should ask for it because without the Love of God in me I will not be able to please Him, to do His Work with the right heart. He told me that I needed the love of God more than anything , and that it is so important in the life of a Christian. That is how I ended up asking the right thing. 

I am just telling you, ladies, that wisdom is something so much important and to be wise one thing you should do is to listen to the Holy Spirit. Be sensitive to Him, and also obey to what He says. The Holy Spirit knows better, He knows the mind of God for your life. Choose to listen to Him. Choose to be wise.

May God make us wise women in Christ in the name of Jesus.

With much love .



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