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Hello Ladies Wonderfully Made! I would like to believe that you are all doing well by the Grace of God. I missed you so much. I hope you grew and are still growing in the Lord by His Grace. I would like you to share the blog and invite others to join us. I have seen that this blog was read even though I was away, I thank God for His Grace.

Today, I would like to share with you briefly by looking at the book of Esther. It is amazing to see that in this whole book, never the name of God was mentioned or written but it is a book filled with so much wisdom and encouragement in the ministry. 

Let me try to summarize the story for those who never read it. It begins with a great feast, there is so much joy in the kingdom of Persia and Media and the king decides to show his most valuable treasure to all this servants, His queen Vashti. Unfortunately the queen refused to obey to the call of her king and her attitude shocked all the king's servants to a point that they advised the king to do something about it according to the law. The queen will soon be send back to her people and leave her throne empty. This is where comes Esther .....For the rest of the story, please read it on your own....It is so interesting, you will not regret it.

What matters to us today is the attitude of Vashti. As I said in the brief summary, she used to occupy a position of leadership, of dignity, or honor. I am sure that most of the women in the country or all of them were looking up to her. Except the fact that she was a queen, she was also beautiful. Indeed the Bible says that she was " fair to behold" (Esther 1: 11). What a lady she was! Queen Vashti was known in all the kingdom. She was the First Lady of the country. Do some people know you? Do some people look up to you? Are you a leader in your church? Do you look after the sheeps of Christ? Do people look amazed when they listen you preach, teach or at your testimony? Then you are not too far from what Vashti was. 

It is shocking to see how Vashti was quickly removed from the throne she occupied as she disobeyed. I sometimes wonder " But Lord, why was she not given a second chance?", " Why the King could not just call her back, I am sure that maybe she apologized, maybe she cried". The Bible even shows us that after she was sent away, he felt sorry for what he did to Vashti. The Word of God said " he earnestly remembered Vashti and what she had done and what was decreed against her"( Esther 2:1 AMP). Although he remembered, he did not call her back, in fact his counselors advised him to marry another woman.

Do you think that Vashti was the only one who was dethroned for the only mistake she committed? No at all. We also know Saul, who was removed from being the king of Israel after disobeying to God's instruction(1 Samuel 15). What is the lesson to retain from this? You see we should be very careful with our calling and the role we play in the body of Christ. One thing that God does not like is disobedience. Your anointing can be taken away because of your disobedience to God but also to the ones that God placed in your life as leaders. Vashti was a leader, she was a reference for women, they were looking up to her but once she disobeyed she became a nobody. The Bible does not even mention her after her fall, it is like she never existed before. Let us be careful with the way we behave. Let us be obedient. Obedience is the key to be anointed. Let us submit and obey to our pastors and leaders. 

The king Ahasuerus called for Vashti to come so he could show her beauty to his guests. He was merry the Bible says meaning that he was drunk. But it was not a right for the queen to not submit to her king. Many people know loves despise the work of God, the servants of the Most High, the fact that your pastor is not as educated as you does not mean  you should not respect him. The fact that your pastor or the leaders before you do not dress as you wish does not mean you should look down to them. Sometimes our pastors ask us to do things that we do not understand. I want to clarify sometimes here. I am not talking about false preachers, pastors that will tell you to get into a cage filled of scorpions or snakes because the Bible says that we shall handle snakes. No, I am talking here about true pastors, pastors who fear the Lord Jesus Christ.

We do not need to understand everything they said. Bishop Dag Heward Mills, one of my mentors in Lord and Bishop, says that someone who is ahead of you spiritually will see things you cannot see yourself. It is just like a dad and his son. The son sometimes thinks he knows it all but the truth is that the father knows more than him, he has been before his son, he has seen many things and is in the right position to counsel his son. Let us listen to our pastors advices, let us behave correctly. Your attitude, behaviors as a leader in the faith can destroy many in the body of Christ. The servants of the King saw how Vashti attitude could make women become rebellious to their husbands or authority in the Kingdom and because of that, they did what they had to do for this to not happen. God will do what He has to do to keep purity, obedience in His temple and if this means to disqualify certain people or punish them He will do so. Yes, Christ can disqualify us it is very scriptural. By the Grace of God, we shall look at it in a near future.

May the Lord help us! You are blessed.

With Much Love,



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