Hello Ladies Wonderfully Made! I believe that you are doing well. In case you are going through a storm at the moment, just constantly remind your soul the promises that God gave to us. Those promises are not limited by the time at all, they are still relevant even to this age. Be strengthened in your inner man in the name of Jesus.
For those who liked the page on Facebook, I said that this week we will be talking about losing. To start with, ladies know that there is no Christianity without sacrifices and loss. Mark 10: 28 "Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo WE HAVE LEFT ALL, and have followed thee." As followers of Christ, we will always have to leave something. Christ left His throne so He can be a man and died for us, Abraham left his family to follow the call of God upon his life, Moses refused to be call a prince and accepted to bear the burden of his people so God could use him to deliver his people from the hands of Pharaoh. They are not the only people who gave up things for the cause of Christ, plenty of those exist in the Bible.
There are things that as Christians we need to give up or let you. For instance music. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:23 " All things are lawful but not all things are helpful". It is not everyone and everything that you need to keep in your life. I did share with you my experience with the worldly music before. I used to be a great fan of Beyonce, I used to adore her and everything about her. I even had a plan that by the age of 23 I should look like her(never happened, all Glory to God). I knew all her choreographs, the songs, was updating about what was going in her life( yea it was very time consuming, I was really mad mercy!). At a point in my Christian life, I just realized that if I wanted to grow spiritually I had to say bye bye to her music and all the worldly music I had on my computer or cellphone. I had to let it go. It was not easy but I did it. You can do it, ladies. What matters the most your personal relationship with Jesus or with Beyonce or Shakira?
There is power in losing for Christ, I am telling you. Maybe you do not listen to worldly music but you have for best friends unbelievers. Ladies, you need to let them go and quickly. Why? Well, because the Bible says that in 1 Corinthians 15: 33 "...Bad company corrupts good character". We cannot have it all, I am sorry. I love to give my own experience so it will not sound to you as if I was talking about things I do not know. I used to have a lot of unbelievers friends. I realized something though that as much I wanted to live a Christian life, I could not. I was too much influenced with their opinions. Lady Reverend Adelaide Heward Mills says often that young people tend to listen more to what their friends say than what their pastors may say. It is really true. That is why we need to be careful when it comes to choosing our friends. I had to give up some friends, and I do not regret it at all. I am serious. I thank God that the friends I have now are God fearing people. It does not mean that they are holy, or perfect. No at all, but at least it is good to be surrounded by people who will tell you the truth according to God's Word and who will not encourage you to sin against God. It is a blessing.
Maybe you already lost all of the above, that is great. You may say now " what else should I lose". Well, what about your time? What are you doing with your time? Do you spend a lot of time watching movies than reading your Bible? What kinds of movies are you watching? You may say "No, Larissa you are taking it too far now". HIHI. I am not at all. You and I should not watch every type of movies. I used to delight in watching nigerian movies especially those ones which deal with withcraft etc but God taught me that evil spirits enter through it. I remembered one day I was going to the movies with a friend and we were thinking about which movies we should watch. She suggested " let s go for Black Swain". I was looking at the resume and the banner when suddenly the Holy Spirit told me to never watch this movie, it is full of spirits of seduction, sex, satanism. So I said no I cannot watch it. One day I was with some friends and they were watching it, I warned them " The Holy Spirit told me to not watch this movie, stop it". They did not believe me. When the time to pray in the evening together came, as we were praying one of us saw on the roof of our flat a big eye of a swain, we had to pray against this spirit and it went in Jesus Name. Do not take your life lightly. Things happen in the Spirit, I am telling you. I am not saying those things to scare you but to show you the importance of letting things go for the cause of Christ.
I will end with this. If the devil cannot attack you directly, He will attack you through your closest friend, the one you love a lot. The philistines wanted to kill Samson, they tried to do it alone, it did not work. They sat and started to think and soon they realized that the weakness of Samson was women so they sent Delilah and we all know how Samson end. Peter left it all to follow Christ, what keep you will allow your ministry to die. Learn to lose things for Christ, to leave people for Christ. It is for your own benefit. Choose to LIVE, Choose to LOSE for Christ.
May Christ give you strength as you decide today to leave things/people for His Glory.
You are always blessed.
With much Love,
i'm blessed may God increase you sister !well done ......