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Ladies, are you a murderer?

Hello, wonderful Christian ladies, I trust the Lord that you are all doing well by His unending Grace! Today, I would like to ask you a question " are you a murderer ladies".  What we generally know about murder is that it is an action, the action of killing someone. The person can shoot the person in his head, or use a knife or anything that would serve to end his life.

I want to tell you that yes it is true, but there are other forms of murders. You can murder someone spiritually, socially or emotionally. Were you aware of that, ladies? Are you a murderer who is not aware of his state? Let turn in the book of 1 John 3. The Bible says that  we recognize the children of the devil by two things. First of all, the child of the devil does not do what is right and then he does not love his brother and sister (v10). This implies that as children of God we supposed to do what is right and to love one another. Jesus gave us a new commandment and it is to love one another for this only commandment was resuming the whole law of Moses. If you love someone, are you going to steal from him? Are you going to kill someone if you love him?  Are you going to commit adultery? To give false testimony? When you love someone, and I am not talking about worldly love no, but love that God gives us as children of God then you will not do things to hurt your brother or sister in the Lord. If it happens that unconsciously you did so, you will apologize but you will not do it intentionally, is not it?

The Bible tells us in the same chapter that if you do not love your brother then you are a murderer! You are just like someone who kill someone else! There is no difference between the two of you! I said earlier that there are three types of murder. Let start with the first one, you can be someone who kills people spiritually. 1John 3: 12 tells us that the main reason why Cain killed his brother was because his own actions were evil and the actions of Abel was righteous! As children of God, we all have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. The Holy Spirit will tell us when our actions are godly or not, unfortunately when our actions are ungodly and that we see God lifting up someone else because his actions are godly what do we do? We kill him spiritually! We will look for every opportunity to destroy his ministry, his walk in Jesus, to bring him/her down. If we are close to him/her and we know his/her weaknesses then we will stab him/her in those parts and then kill him/her. I also think that it was jealousy who made Cain kill his own brother! How do you feel, when God lift up your sister or brother higher than you, do you thank God for his/her life or do you start talking to him/her in a way it will break his heart? How do you behave, ladies?

The second area where we can murder a person is in the social aspect. As human beings, we all need to interact with people. Someone who always isolates herself from the rest of the group will soon die of depression. God himself realised that man needed to have some company. Some people will end their relationship with someone just because God bless them more than them. If you love your brother, why will be separate yourself than him/her? Should we not have proper fellowship in the Lord, ladies? Love should not be limited to certain things. The Bible says in Psalms 133" How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity....For there the LORD bestows his blessing even life forevermore." Because you are a murderer by killing the fellowship between the children of God, then you even prevent God from bestowing His blessings among the church! How sad is it?
Certain people only want to interact with people coming from the same social class than them? Is this brotherly love? I remember someone telling me one day that she cannot talk with someone who is not from the same tribe, cannot afford the same clothes than her! I was so shocked, those are things we should not even consider in the church of God! Some people come to church also because they hope to find a new family, some are orphans, they want to be loved and because you are a murderer operating in the social level, you will not allow such love to be!

The last area where you can act as murderer is in the emotional plan. As I said earlier, people want to be loved. I think that God know it and that is why He said that the new commandment is to love one another as He loved us! If you do not need to be loved, or to feel loved by your brethren then certainly you are a child of the devil, for he does not know what is love! Love is given by God, it is something that you cannot cultivate ourselves, Love goes beyond your state of mind, and feelings! Love is saying despite what you told me, did to me I still love you with the Love of God! As human beings, if we do not have God it will be difficult for us to love our brethren as God loves us! People need to be loved. I remember a sister telling me when I was still in my country of origin that someone left the church just because she did not feel loved by her brethren! She did not feel accepted by the church, she did not feel part of the fellowship. I was very sad, for after I met her somewhere and she was in another "church". I apologized for not loving her as I was supposed to. People come to church with different burdens, yes we are not God but with the love of God in us displaying to others we are able to help people with their burdens. When we feel loved, it is even heal us emotionally. I overcame many challenges in my life because of the support and love that my brethren showed to me.

We must realize that as Christians our love should be expressed in three levels: spiritually by caring encouraging the person in his walk with Christ, socially by interacting with our brothers, and emotionally by showing to our brothers that we love them with the love of the Lord. It is very important! If you do not love, then you hate! Be very careful when you say " ah I don't like that person, what are we even talk about? He/she is not the type of person with who I usually communicate"? You will soon become a potential murderer, ladies! Love is not about convenience or being comfortable about it, not when it comes to brotherly love! Look at Jesus, do you think that he was "comfortable" loving us? After all, He came to die for us, and while we were injuring him, He still decided to die for us! It was not easy, there was nothing comforting in that, but to love is a decision we must make every day! Every day, we must decide to not be a murderer in the life of our brethren! 

Remember if you hate your brother, you are a murderer, you are the child of the devil! May God deliver us from it in Jesus Name! May God teach us to love our brothers as He loves them! May Him help us to say" yes you did that to me, but you know what I still love you with the love of the Lord"! It takes maturity of Christ to say it and it also takes the love of God in you to do it!

Remain blessed,

Much love,



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