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 Ladies, are you corrupted?

Today I want to share with you something which is very important to not have at all and it is called corruption. Do you want to have the spirit of God with you always? Then do not be corrupted, for corruption is evil in the sight of God. But what is corruption?

I googled the word( yeah, it is faster!lol) and I found that corruption can be either spiritual or moral impurity, a deviation from an ideal. Our ideal in Christ I think is to finish the race and to bear fruits for Him. For what is the point of trying to live a godly life and at the end do not make it to Heaven(Mercy, Lord). Every christian would like to hear those words from God " Well done good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:23). To hear such words from God, we as Christians must be filled by the Spirit of God! When we live according to the Spirit of God, we are saved from a lot of foolishness and corruption. Do you remember the story of the flood in the Bible?

God brought flood upon that generation at that time because of two things wickedness and corruption(Genesis 6-7). God said " My Spirit will not remain with mankind forever, because they are corrupt" (v3). Those people were now corrupted, it says that the sons of God took the daughters of the earth as their wives? Was it the ideal? Did God want this to be? I do not think so at all. They were coming from two different world and they were not supposed to mix. Are you corrupted by having relationship with people you should not mix with? The Bible is clear " do not be unequally yoked". I do not think that scripture only applies in the context of marriage, but also relationship and in our daily lives.

Ladies, you can become corrupted by the things you see, you watch and you hear. Be careful about what you listen to, you see on TV and hear! There is a theory I learnt in Media theory which was one of my subject last year ( I am studying Public Relations) and it is called the hypodermic needle. The theory says that the more you watch something, the more you want to do it. Coke is been using that kind of strategy and it does work. When people see the Coke ads, many are those who want to go and purchase the product. In the same way, ladies what you hear will have an impact on you! It can be good or bad! Every media tool sends a message, and they can be corrupted? Do you think that your mind is corrupted, that your actions are then look at what you hear, listen, see and with who you interact with! The christian life is not a mickey mouse game at all! Sometimes, you have to say good byes to your friends, stop interacting with them to not be corrupted? Do you think it is easy, no at all but it has to happen so the Spirit of God will remain in you!

I will end this note by telling you about the danger of becoming corrupted. The Bible says in Genesis 6 that after God saw how wicked and corrupted the people became that He regretted to have created them(mercy)! Genesis 6: 5 reads as follow " When the Lord saw that man's wickedness was widespread on the earth and that every scheme his mind thought of was nothing but evil at all the time, the Lord REGRETTED that He HAD MADE MAN on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart". You want to be a corrupted christian meaning that you are double( listen to Lady Reverend Adelaide Heward Mills preaching on that), you want to have a corrupted mind then God may regret to have created you and I. Corruption disqualifies us from being in the presence of God! David says in Psalm 51 ' God create in me a pure heart". A pure heart cannot be corrupted!

I would like to encourage us to examine ourselves and allow the Spirit of God to clean us from every form of corruption in Jesus Name! May not God remove His Holy Spirit from us, may He not regret to have created us! Ladies your purpose, your ideal in your life is to honor Christ and it is not easy at all that is why we need so much the Spirit of God! May God help us in Jesus Name! Amen!

To all my wonderfully made ladies outta there!

Much love,



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