Mothers are so important to us, without my mother I do not know if I would have been the same woman or girl I am today. My mother is my role model and she also is my hero. When I look at her, I see someone who will always give me the strength to go forward even if it is tough but I also see someone who says" Well done my daughter, I am proud of you" when I do well. At the end of our talk, she told me that her greatest joy as a mother was the fact that we as her children came to know the God she serves. She told me that she thanked God for our lives and also because we are her greatest pride. We do have our flaws but she loves us like that. I was so moved by what she told me, and also hearing her keeping saying " my daughter" really touched me. She now sees me as a grown up person, someone she trusts and someone she knows is responsible, it is really an achievement I want to say. For your parents to trust you, it is not something easy, it is something you constantly need to prove and to build in them so I was so happy when she told me that she does trust me.
Then, I just ask to myself the type of mother I would be one day. Someone said once if you want to be a good mother in the future, then start by being a good girl in the present. How will you teach something that you have never practiced that you only have heard of. Children do not really pay attention to what their parents say, they pay more attention to what they do. That is a message! I just pray God that one day when the times come, I would be a great mother just like my mother and that my children will look at me and say " yes, my mother is a real gift God gave to me".
I love you so much Mommy, may God keep on blessing and protecting you. Much love. Lala
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