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I am sure that we all more than once in our lives had dreams. It can be those dreams that we cannot remember of when we wake up, or those which stuck in our minds and that we think about for the whole day. Today, I want to ask you how you give meaning to those dreams? Many times, I found myself dreaming of something and I thought it was a message from God. God do use dreams as a tool to talk to us, He did it with Joseph the father of Jesus but also with Joseph while he was still with Jacob and his brothers. It was through dreams that Joseph knew that God was going to place him above his brothers even though at that time he did not understand it.

Bishop Dag Heward Mills wrote in his book called " How you can be in the perfect will of God" that dreams have different sources. Our dreams can come from the Holy Spirit, our daily activities, the flesh or the devil himself. He says that when our dreams come from our daily activities it means that they emanate from your everyday activities. Our dreams are so much influenced by what we do daily as the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 5:3 " For a dream cometh through the multitude of business". He took the example of someone who dreams of getting married to a particular person, while the dream may come from God it may also come to the fact that that person spent too much time with the particular person and ends up dreaming of her/him. Did you never have those kind of dreams? Think about them before concluding that they are from God.

Dreams also may come from the flesh. Here, he was taking the example of someone who is having sexual intercourse with a man/woman in her/his dreams. We often tend to assume as Christians that it means that we are " spiritually married" but sometimes it may not even be the case. Think about it, throughout the day you were thinking about a lady or a man that you like or are in love with, and when thinking about it we went to an extent to imagining yourself sleeping with him/her. You did it all the day long, obviously when you will sleep your thoughts will turn into a dream...that is why the Bible says in Jude 8" Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion and speak evil dignities. Be careful to what you think or to the desires you may have, they may push you to have filthy dream!

It is important for us to learn to control our flesh, the desires of our flesh. For the flesh makes us do what we are not supposed to do, and to be where we are not supposed to be. Then dreams may come from the devil itself. Bishop Dag wrote that "A dream, which brings confusion, is not from God". If you wake up and that you notice that while thinking about the dream you have your heart is not a peace then know that it is from the devil not God. God shall ever confuse you! He is not a God of confusion at all! Another thing that we should know about dreams that come from the devil is that it brings fear as well. Fear is a demonic spirit, the Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God did not give us the spirit of fear which means that fear is a spirit and a demonic one, operating under Satan power. Fear is a bad thing to have in our life, it may close a lot of opportunities! Fear is the enemy of your progress, your destiny in Christ.

Bishop Dag wrote" Be aware of the things that you fear because the things that you fear will happen! That is why Jesus often said FEAR NOT! ONLY BELIEVE". The devil watches you constantly, and when he will notice that you are scared of something he will visit you in your dream. Sometimes we have bad dreams, and they end up coming true then we say " look I dreamt of it and it happened". The truth is it may happened also because you fear it will happened. It has happened just as you feared! May God deliver us from the spirit of fear, and may us be able to discern from which sources are dreams come from in Jesus Name! Amen!

To all my wonderfully ladies made out of here!

Much love



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