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Be thankful for who you are, ladies ...

Have you ever had the thought that you were an ugly woman? Have you ever told to yourself before that your nose was too big, your breast too small, or think that you will need a surgery in order to enlarge or reduce the size of your breast? Sometimes we compare ourselves to other women, we feel less, we feel so stupid even. Today, I want you to realize how beautiful you are.....Years ago, I thought that I was the ugliest girl in my family(lol, I know that is bad). I was so depressed and because I felt this way I was mistreating my little sisters, I was too jealous of them to see them happy. It was killing me. It took me sometimes to appreciate my beauty, if God made me, created me it means that I am beautiful. Can God, the beautiful One, create someone ugly? The Bible says that when He finished the creation of the earth and skies, and the waters and He saw that it was beautiful ! Ladies, let me tell you once again that you are beautiful!!!!!

I used to not love my toes as well( as you can see I had many issues with my self), I was even thinking to do a surgery once I start my professional career to give them a good shape. I was so depressed about how I look to the point that I could not even take the time to look at myself in the mirror, I was always feeling stupid and above all unpleasant to be looked at. If you, yourself are not happy about who you are, and how God made you do you think that others will be? Probably not. I lived having that low self esteem in me until I turned 18. On my 18th birthday after my bath, I decided to go in front of my mirror and have a look at myself. It was only then that I started realizing that " God, how beautiful I am". It was like I was looking at myself as God looks at me. I noticed that I have some hips, a beautiful smile, well shaped, what more to ask! Since then, I feel so good in my skin and people around me started looking at me in a different way. I must say even though I was receiving some compliments before I was 18, it was only from that moment that when people were complimenting me I was not only accepted their compliments but also receiving them with great joy, because I knew my worth, and how beautiful I am.

Ladies, you are beautiful. You are short like me, you are beautiful! You are black, white, orange(lol) whatever your skin colour may be you are beautiful! Is your breast big or small like me, you are beautiful. Come on ladies, God made me, He knows why He gave you a big breast or a small one, do not complain about it, rather be thankful for the woman you are, for your husband will be honored to have you as his wife just the way you are. Someone said once that " In order to be happy or to create happiness around you, you must firstly be happy about who you are". Be happy about who you are, no one is created as you are, no one is you. Since I was 18, I told to myself this thing" I will never again compare myself to someone else, I am beautiful and if I cannot enjoy the person I am who will do it? No one!" Enjoy the person you are, be happy about who you are and give thanks to God!!!!!!!

To all the women wonderfully made outta here!

Much love



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