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The best is yet to come! Appointment at the top!

                           Will I survive from this? Will I recover ? Will I smile again ?             So many questions, we asks ourselves after a sad event. It may be the loss of someone, a breakup, a disease, unemployment, well after a bad case we often tend to reconsider everything in our lives. If you are at this stage, know you are not alone. Many people like you have gone through this or actually are going through this.             I love the Word of God because it talks about many situations we can relate to. As it says, nothing new is before the sun, everything that is have already been, and what will be is already. So is this situation you are going through...Do you remember the story of Naomi in Judges?                The Word says that after loosing her husband and her sons, she became bitter....

Appearance: I do not love myself!

Have you ever looked yourself in the mirror and appreciate the person you see? Have you ever thought you were not beautiful enough, nor pretty enough? Do you love yourself? Do you love your body? The way you move? If not, then continue to read may the Spirit open your eyes to let you see the beautiful person you are in Jesus Name! Hello precious! Today, I am going to share with you about self-love. How sad it is to see many women comparing themselves to other women! It breaks my heart every time I hear a lady saying 'I just want to be like her', or 'If only I was her'. Have you ever thought this way?  I think we all have...but the good news is you can decide to choose this way of thinking. You are unique. No one on earth can smile like you, can talk like you, can act like you, you are a very peculiar person, and God has no more stock of you in heaven, this should make you think twice.  When I was a teenager, I used to compare myself to my little sister...

Dealing with break up

"How do you do to recover from a breakup with someone you loved so much and never imagine your life without? How do you do you to keep yourself all together despite the many feelings that overcome you? How do you do to keep trusting God during this hard time?....." Hello Precious, I hope you are doing great by God's Grace. Today, I would like to talk to you about breakup. Yes, it is very sensitive I know but I do receive this type of questions from young ladies and to tell you the truth, I do not have a magic remedy that will make you feel better or make the pain you feel at the moment suddenly go away........ But the good news is God still loves you and is with you although you may think otherwise.... The Word says in Revelation 21.5 "Behold, I make all things new" . First of all, I want you to know that this breakup is not the end of you. Do not think for a second that you will never be happy again nor you do not deserve the best in your lif...


Some time later God tested  Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,”  he replied. 2  Then God said, “Take your son , your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah.  Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering  on a mountain I will show you. ” Genesis 22.1-2  Dear daugther, do you have an Isaac in your life? Someone that you love tenderly and cherrish, something for what you have prayed for so much and God has given you...I don't know if you know the feeling of joy that overwhelm a new mother who just gave birth to her new born baby especially if this baby was so much wanted and desired.....It is an indescriptible joy, isn't it?  Then, imagine this woman being told to give away her only child, her only joy, her only "everything" it is complicated! I remember years ago, I was in a relationship and was so much in love with this brother, God told me "You are not ready to marry yet. I need you to put an end to this r...