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Showing posts from May, 2016

Woman Issue

Hello everyone! I thank God for your life. Please thank the Lord for all you have and do not have YET! I am saying yet because I believe that you shall have it in His Time if it is in His will, so do not get discouraged, do not lose heart, give thanks to the Lord seeing your breakthrough!!! Today, my title is Woman Issue, to tell you the truth i did not know how to entitle it. I gave this name because I noticed that this "issue" is common among women. That being said, let us turn our Bibles in 2 Corinthians 10: 12: Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. but when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding. Comparison! Oh that word is a true disease among womanhood! How many women compare themselves with each other? How many women feel inferior to others women because they " lack" of certain things? How many women are hating o...

What are they saying about you?

Hello wonderful ladies of God! I trust God that you are all doing well by His Grace. Let us continue to press on and to push on! The end is worth it!  Today, I am not going to be long. I want to share with you Matthew 5:16  In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. I do not personally believe that our identity must be shaped by our acquaintances, or friends. Our identity is shaped by the Word of God. But here, God revealed to me something as I was meditating upon it. Our identity is shaped by his Word but its authenticity is tested by our families, friends, etc. It is too easy to say that you are light still your works are done in the darkness. It is too easy to say that we are Christian yet we are holding grudges against each other. The soldier at the cross confessed that Jesus was truly the Son of God. What are men saying about you? What are your family saying abo...