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Showing posts from April, 2014

Christianity and Losing

Hello Ladies Wonderfully Made! I believe that you are doing well. In case you are going through a storm at the moment, just constantly remind your soul the promises that God gave to us. Those promises are not limited by the time at all, they are still relevant even to this age. Be strengthened in your inner man in the name of Jesus. For those who liked the page on Facebook, I said that this week we will be talking about losing. To start with, ladies know that there is no Christianity without sacrifices and loss.  Mark 10: 28 "Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo WE HAVE LEFT ALL, and have followed thee." As followers of Christ, we will always have to leave something. Christ left His throne so He can be a man and died for us, Abraham left his family to follow the call of God upon his life, Moses refused to be call a prince and accepted to bear the burden of his people so God could use him to deliver his people from the hands of Pharaoh. They are not the only people who ...


Hello Ladies Wonderfully Made! I would like to believe that you are all doing well by the Grace of God. I missed you so much. I hope you grew and are still growing in the Lord by His Grace. I would like you to share the blog and invite others to join us. I have seen that this blog was read even though I was away, I thank God for His Grace. Today, I would like to share with you briefly by looking at the book of Esther. It is amazing to see that in this whole book, never the name of God was mentioned or written but it is a book filled with so much wisdom and encouragement in the ministry.  Let me try to summarize the story for those who never read it. It begins with a great feast, there is so much joy in the kingdom of Persia and Media and the king decides to show his most valuable treasure to all this servants, His queen Vashti. Unfortunately the queen refused to obey to the call of her king and her attitude shocked all the king's servants to a point that they advised the...