Good day beautiful ladies! It has been years but I am around, I have been lately busy with organising my new season!!!!! I am more than excited of what God is doing now and I shall at the right time tell you more about this. Today is Valentine's Day and many single ladies like me have been asked the question of ' where is your valentine?' What are you going to do on Valentine' s Day? People have made it such an event that if we are not rooted in the Word and God's love we can feel depressed or worried especially if we are in age to marry. First of all, ladies do not take this at heart. A friend of mine who got married recently wrote this on her wall ' I am not a Valentine' s Day fan but for all those who are waiting for their husbands, keep waiting upon the Lord and trust in His timing!! It shall be well'. Maybe for this year, you thought you would have a fiance to spend this day with, maybe you hoped for this year to spend it with your h...
This blog is to strengthen and encourage young Christian ladies in their walk with Christ Jesus.